28 Jun Are Night Owls Smarter/More Intelligent Than Early Birds?
Night owls vs. early birds – who are smarter? We make an honest attempt to compare both sides of the argument.
We all have grown up reciting “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
But what if you are the kind of person who likes to stay up late at night for reading or work? Is it really a bad thing?
Do you really have to witness the beauty of sunrise to be successful?
Well, there’s no denying the positive traits of being an early bird.
However, the facts about night owls having higher IQs have now gained scientific support.
So, are night owls more intelligent and smarter?
First off, let’s look into the pros of being a “midnight oil burner” aka night owl and then we’ll evaluate the opposing thoughts as well.
Benefits of Being a Night Owl
If you are a night owl, you must have encountered people schooling you “early birds get the worms”.
But that doesn’t mean late-night owls are left empty beaks and have nothing to eat.
Having night owl characteristics have its own benefits.
Studies have shown that while early birds are better academic performers, nighters have successful careers and earn more.
Yep, you read that right!
Here are some of the benefits of being a night owl:
- Higher IQ
- Mental alertness
- Low stress
- Creativity
- Productive evenings
Explore all these benefits one by one right below:
#1. Have Higher IQ
Our body works according to the circadian rhythm, i.e., waking up with the sunrise and sleeping with the sunset.
But this has been developed and has an evolutionary standpoint.
However, studies show that people with higher IQs quite not like to follow the same.
The study also depicts that more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be night owl adults. They go to bed late and wake up late on both weekdays and weekends.
So, if you’ve been wondering are night owls more intelligent, the answer is yes.
#2. Mentally Alert for Longer
Late-night sleeping habit is often associated with laziness. However, that’s not the case with night owls.
According to a study by the scientists of the University of Liege in Belgium, night owls can keep their brains awake and alert for longer.
The study analyzed 15 extreme night owls and 16 early birds in a sleep lab for 2 nights.
The groups were separated with 4 hours difference in their sleep pattern. If early birds wake up at 7, the night owls were sleeping till 11.
The participants had their brain activity measured an hour and a half after waking up and again after 10.5 hours.
The research also mentioned that after 10.5 hours of waking up, the early bird’s brain linked to attention and circadian rhythm showed low activity as compared to night owls.
So, by the time early birds are ready to hit the bed again, night owls are working at their peak.
#3. Have Lower Stress Hormone
Early risers have a higher level of the stress hormone, i.e., cortisol as compared to the night owls.
This could be the reason why night owls are more intelligent; they take less stress.
In a study, it was found morning people as compared to the evening ones have higher cortisol in the first hour after waking up.
Not only do early birds wake up with high cortisol, but they also tend to carry it throughout the day.
Adding to it, in a 10-week study, researchers have found that early risers were more likely to suffer from muscle soreness, cold symptoms, and cramps.
No wonder why are night owls smarter than early birds.
This might be the reason why some early risers are often distracted, exhausted, and angry throughout the day.
#4. Finds More Creative Solutions
There’s a high chance if you’ve ever been in a critical situation, you received a more creative solution from a night owl.
Most night owls have the ability to find creative solutions and alternatives to a difficult question or situation.
This might explain why are night owls smarter.
Well, it may be because of the peaceful environment at night in which they are able to concentrate more. The low cortisol levels also allow deep thinking without getting panicked.
Also, the fact they have higher IQs answers it very well.
In fact, the researchers from the department of the psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan studied 120 men and women of varied ages.
The subjects were divided into 3 categories, i.e., morning, evening, or intermediate types. The participants underwent 3 tests designed to measure creative thinking.
After the analysis, the researchers concluded that evening types topped each test.
Evening hours are actually the best to get the most out of your creative mind.
So, the next time you’re looking for creative ideas, ask a night owl.
#5. More Productive Evenings
This is the most basic difference between night owls vs. early birds. Also, it is among the major benefits of being a night owl.
Interestingly, while early risers get themselves busy in the morning and lose their energy in the evening, it is the opposite with night owls.
To explain, according to researchers from the University of Alberta in Canada, night owls maximize their evenings. They are at their peak strength at around 9 pm.
It happens because evening people exhibit increased motor cortex and spinal cord excitability in the evening.
Notably, morning people barely reach this level of the central nervous system drive.
So, while everyone else is following their night routine and getting ready to sleep, night owls are just getting started.
Indeed, being a night owl has a lot of benefits.
However, let’s pause and wonder if there are cons to a night owl lifestyle?
Disadvantages of Being a Night Owl
Just when you were counting your night owl characteristics and taking pride, here comes the consequences.
Well, we have no intention to spoil your celebration.
However, the truth is just like the two sides of the coin, there are pros and cons of being a night owl.
While there’s no doubt that night owls are smarter and more intelligent, it looks like they have to pay a price for that.
Here are some of the disadvantages of being a night owl.
#1. Risk of Sleep Deprivation
Night owls live with the risk of having sleep deprivation.
Unarguably, night owls get their work done excellently in the peace of the night. But they often fail to get quality sleep when nearly the whole world is working.
The noise and the tension in the environment stop them to get a peaceful and quality sleep.
#2. More Likely to Get Depression
According to a study, night owls, i.e., Late Chronotypes (LCs) tend to have less white matter in certain parts of the brain.
This white matter is critical to carrying the nerve impulses in the brain for communication purposes.
Also, lack of sleep adds fuel to the fire.
#3. Health Risks
Lack of sleep makes people cranky, fussy, and moody. Constantly being in a state of social jetlag affects memory and overall health.
Night owls with a lack of good quantity of sleep may likely suffer increased heart rate, diabetes, eye strain, and memory loss. [RELATED: Lack of sleep increases dementia risk]
#4. May Have Relationship Issues
While night owls are smarter, are they smart enough to establish a successful relationship?
Notably, if you are a night owl, you are not able to help your partner with the daily chores or maintain a good family time.
So, while being a night owl may suit your social and work life, it’s certainly going to affect your family life.
#5. Difficulty Socializing
It gets quite difficult for the nocturnal people to maintain a common social life.
To explain, if you are a night owl, you can’t just casually text a person to meet at 2 am.
Humans are social animals and are supposed to wake up in the light and sleep in the dark.
So, being a night owl can get pretty lonely and depressing as well if you don’t get enough sleep.
So, what can night owls do to stay smarter?
Simple! They can try to sleep better.
Here’s how…
Sleeping Tips for Night Owls to Get Better Sleep
So far we know night owls can be more intelligent, creative, and have strategic thinking abilities. However, sleep deprivation can take that all away.
Hence, if you are a night owl, try these tips to get your senses back on track.
#1. Stick to the Sleep Time
If you’re a night owl, it’s important to maintain a sleep schedule.
Get your body in a state where it automatically starts to feel sleepy when the time arrives.
Just like how the early risers start to feel sleepy as soon the clock hits 10-11, it’s vital for the night-timers to attain the same rhythm.
This is of great help in getting good quality and quantity of sleep.
#2. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine before Going to Bed
Night owls already have a hard time sleeping peacefully.
In such a case, alcohol and caffeine before going to bed can only worsen the situation.
Hence, it is recommended to avoid drinking at least 4-6 hours before going to bed.
#3. Avoid Using Phones and Gadgets before You Sleep
Technically, this is for everyone who is having difficulty sleeping.
But when it comes to nocturnal people, reducing their screen time before going to bed is important.
Finding it difficult to sleep? Try avoiding phones and laptops 90 minutes before sleeping.
#4. Maintain Sleep Hygiene
If you don’t know, maintaining a routine can help your body relax and sleep better.
Night owls can try taking a nice shower before going to bed.
Keep the bedroom dark and peaceful with a comfortable temperature. Add a nice smell to soothe your senses and get transported to dreamland in no time.
#5. Take Control of Your Diet
Most of the time night owls tend to gain excess weight. It is because of the late-night cravings and lack of quality sleep.
If you stay awake for extra hours, avoid munching on fast foods. Not only does it make you eat more, but it also causes belching and other digestive issues.
It leads to discomfort and hence, causes a lack of sleep.
Night owls can rather try eating bananas, berries, almonds, and kiwi.
Summing up, it’s quite clear there are a lot of factors when you compare the lifestyle of a lark and a night owl.
Not everyone is cut out to be an early riser. Hence, the night owl lifestyle is here to stay.
But whether you want to look good, stay fit, and be productive, you got to have a good night’s sleep (good day’s sleep for night owls).
Final Verdict
Quite a sizeable number of studies clearly state night owls are more intelligent and smarter!
Interestingly, there’s a huge list of successful people who are night owls.
Some of the famous night owls include Leonardo da Vinci, Frank Meyer, Charles Darwin, Mark Zuckerberg, Carl Jung, and Barack Obama.
So if you can’t sleep, it could be a sign of intelligence.
But in case you are an early bird, don’t let the studies force you to change into an all-nighter.
Now, if you’re reading this at night, share the blog with your early bird friends and give them something interesting to read with their morning coffee. And if you are reading it in the morning, share it with your nocturnal friend and let them know science thinks they are smart.
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