03 Oct 5 Differences – Brown vs White Fat | Weight Loss Effect Explained
Do you know 60% of our brain is made with fat!
Why is it then that when we talk of fat, it often has negative connotations.
Well, what you might not know is that fats are of different types, and it includes both good ones and bad ones.
Yes, you read that right! There are good fats too.
If you’ve missed some of your biology classes, let me tell you, there are two types of fat in our body: white and brown fat.
Both types have varied functions and a specific role to play. Brown fat and white fat secretes different hormones that impacts your overall well-being.
You find this intriguing?
Spare some minutes to read the further breakdown of what is brown fat vs white fat.
Brown Fat vs White Fat: The Breakdown and Weight Loss Effect
Fat often comes with a lot of health issues which includes heart problems, blood pressure, and joint pain.
Also, it doesn’t have a good reputation in terms of appearance. Overweight people are bullied for their bulging body and not-so perfect figure.
And even while looks don’t matter much, one can’t overlook the health factor.
But does it always have to be like this? Are all fats responsible for your degrading health?
Not really!
It might surprise you, but there are some fats which actually fight obesity rather than fuelling it.
So which one is it: brown or white fat?
It’s time to dig into the details.
What are Brown Fat Cells?
Brown fat is sometimes also called “Brown Adipose Tissue”.
It is a dark brown colored adipose tissue with numerous blood vessels which helps produce heat. Interestingly, brown fat cells are found in mammals only.
The main function of brown adipose tissue is to convert energy from food into heat. This is why humans and other mammals don’t shiver easily in cold weather.
Further, one can identify brown fat on the basis of its location in the body. Shoulder blades (interscapular) are the origin of the classic brown fat cells.
The BAT (Brown Adipose Tissue) is also found under the skin.
Interestingly, more brown fat is not associated with being overweight. And this forms the basis of all the differences between brown adipose tissue vs white.
That is to say, people who are higher up on the weight scale have less brown fat in comparison to those who are metabolically healthy and lean.
What are White Fat Cells?
White fat cells are also known as White Adipose Tissue or WAT.
It is this fat that we try to avoid the accumulation of. Excess of white fat results in the development of numerous health issues. It includes: heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes.
Although white fat cells have a poor reputation, one must know that our body needs white fat cells as much as brown fat cells.
For instance, white fat cells have the sensors for key hormones. This includes sex hormones and stress hormones.
Things only get problematic when there is excess of white fat in your body.
A complete brown fat vs white fat comparison would help to know more about the two primary fat types.
The 5 Major Difference | Brown vs White Fat
Brown fat cells are very different from white fat cells. From role to location to formulation, they differ in a lot of ways.
While white fat is predominantly passive and is the one we try to avoid, brown fat is metabolically active.
Enlisted here are some of the major differences between white fat cells and brown fat cells and their biology.
#1. Lipid Droplets
Brown fat cells are known to have small lipid droplets. Each droplet consists of its own mitochondria – the powerhouse of the cell.
This is why brown fat cells help produce more energy and leads to fat loss as well.
Coming to white fat cells, these are large single lipid droplets which are highly inactive. WAT (White Adipose Tissue) present in large numbers can lead to obesity.
#2. Location
White fat cells are found under the skin as well as around the organs. Whereas, brown fat cells are present around your shoulder blades and under the skin.
To explain, white fat is majorly present under your skin which we call as subcutaneous fat. Also, white fat surrounds your organs as well, which is known as visceral fat.
Nearly 20% of the men’s weight is because of the white adipose tissue. As the human body primarily stores white fat around the thighs, stomach, and hips, obesity is often visible around these areas.
Quite the contary, brown fat is found around the neck and under the skin. You can also find it around kidneys and spine.
#3. Basic Functions
White fat cells work as a storage whereas brown fat cells produce heat.
The white fat cells work as a storage of excess calories we consume. Although it has a bad reputation, it is the largest energy reservoir and also works as cushion for your organs when you fall.
Not to mention, it also releases hormones like leptin and adiponectin. These hormones have an important role in metabolic functions.
Additionally, WAT is responsible for regulating mood and energy expenditure.
Brown fat cells, on the other hand, breaks down fat molecules and blood sugar to generate heat. It primarily functions to regulate the body temperature.
Because of this reason, the body of the people with high brown fat takes time to start shivering in cold.
#4. Thermogenic and Non-Thermogenic
Brown fat is thermogenic in nature whereas white fat is non-thermogenic.
Clearly, because brown fat generates heat, it is thermogenic in nature.
When brown fat burns, it produces heat. This process is what we call thermogenesis.
During this process, brown fat also burns calories which has an impact on your overall weight. It is because of this reason the thermogenesis process is often used as a treatment for obesity and metabolic syndromes.
White fat cells, whereas, are not as thermogenic in comparison to the brown ones. These fat cells are largely inactive and, on the contrary, contributes to weight gain.
#5. Number of Capillaries and Mitochondria
Brown fat cells have higher number of capillaries as compared to white fat.
Also, brown fat contains more iron-containing mitochondria, whereas white fat cells have less mitochondria.
In summary, the brown fat cells contain higher number of mitochondria that burns calories to generate heat. The iron content in the mitochondria gives the fat cells the dark color.
But when it comes to white fat cells, it has less mitochondria count.
These were the key areas which create a distinction between brown fat vs white fat in humans.
Clearly, brown fat appears to be the more beneficial in terms of health and wellness.
And science supports the same.
What is the Science Behind Brown Fat vs White Fat?
As per what we have analysed till now, brown fat has comparatively more health benefits.
In fact, according to reports, white adipose tissue dysfunction is associated with obesity-induced complications including insulin resistance.
Obesity is a critical factor in the increasing cases of type-2 diabetes (T2D). By 2025, around 300 million will have T2D as an obesity complication. The primary cause of which is obesity driven insulin resistance in White Adipose Tissue.
In the situation of obesity, white fat cells become severely dysfunctional and fails to expand to store the excess energy.
This process increases lipotoxicity and leads to systematic insulin resistance and increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
Brown fat dissipates energy into heat. It is noticed to improve glucose and lipid haemostasis in mice models.
As per the reports of Science Daily, a new study on around 52,000 people by Nature Medicine finds brown fat cells can protect against numerous chronic diseases.
It presents strong evidence that people with detectable brown fat were less likely to suffer cardiac arrest, type 2 diabetes, and coronary artery diseases.
For instance, only 4.6 % had type 2 diabetes in comparison to 9.5% who did not have detectable brown fat. Also, only 18.9% had abnormal cholesterol as compared to 22.2% in those who lack brown fat.
The study also revels 3 conditions which are less likely to happen to people with BAT. This includes hypertension, coronary heart issues, and congestive heart failure.
It can also mitigate the negative health effects of obesity.
So, it looks like brown fat is the magical tissue which one may want more of.
How Does Brown Fat Help You Lose Weight?
Brown fat helps you lose weight by improving thermogenesis and boosting metabolism.
Metabolism is a process that helps breakdown all the foods you ingest into fats, sugars, and amino acids. Our body break down these foods primarily to generate energy.
Further, brown fat also breaks down sugar and fat molecules to generate heat and increase the body temperature.
This is helpful in keeping the body warm and also in reducing weight.
As the temperature rises, the burning of cholesterol takes place. This adds to the weight loss process.
However, for deeper understanding, researchers have analysed the blood levels of glucose, amino acids, and fats before and after activation of brown fat. For these, 33 healthy men of average age 25 years were studied.
They were further divided into groups of 17 men with high brown fat activity and 16 men with low activity.
As a result, those with high brown fat activity had reduced BCAAs in their bloodstream.
Notably, in earlier research, BCAAs are linked with obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.
You have it then. Brown fat can basically help you avoid some diseases and obesity.
So, if brown fat benefits health and helps lose weight, what can you do to increase the brown fat cells naturally?
How to Activate Brown Fat Cells?
Around 5% of the body weight of a newborn comes from brown fat. Scientists earlier believed that brown fat disappears as people grow.
However, the recent research say that even adults have certain percentage of brown fat. Though, it is in very smaller amount segregated in the whole body.
So, can people increase brown fat naturally or through any other means?
The answer is yes.
As per evidence, exposure to cold temperatures can generate brown fat in the body.
As this doesn’t sound much practical, there are many other natural means to increase the production of brown fat.
Some of them are discussed below.
#1. What Foods Increase Brown Fat?
The following dietary tips will help you maintain natural levels of brown fat:
A. Don’t Miss Out Your Daily Dose of Coffee
Coffee has always been linked with weight loss.
As per reports, after studying the relationship between coffee and brown fat on 9 healthy individuals, the scientists confirmed the relationship.
That is say, drinking coffee increases the temperature around neck area where brown fat is found.
So, make sure you don’t skip your coffee intake.
B. Turn on the Spice Level
If you aren’t into spicy dishes, you better start developing the taste and tolerance. Because Capsaicin, the main component found in many hot peppers and chilies, can activate brown fat cells in humans.
For this, you can try adding peppers like jalapenos, cayenne, poblano peppers to your diet.
C. Get a Good Dose of Resveratrol
Resveratrol is quite known for weight management.
According to a study by the International Journal Of Obesity, Resveratrol manages the blood glucose by accelerating the process of conversion of white fat into brown fat.
You can get resveratrol through:
- Peanuts
- Dark Chocolate
- Blue berries and cranberries
- Pistachios
- Grapes
- Red and white vine
Take note to make changes gradually by adding one of two of these food items in your meal plan at first.
D. Make the Most of Turmeric
Try making pure turmeric powder a part of your diet. It is rich in curcumin, which can induce weight loss effects. In fact, in a research by the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, curcumin is helpful in increasing the brown fat cells.
So, what are you waiting for? Start mixing a pinch of turmeric in your soups, drinks, and milk.
E. Increase the Intake of Melatonin-Rich Foods
You can also include melatonin-rich foods to boost brown fat production.
These foods include:
- Cherries,
- coriander
- cardamom, and
- almonds.
However, you shouldn’t start over-eating these foods.
#2. Drugs to Increase Brown Fat
People comfortable with medications can even try supplements to increase brown fat cells.
There are numerous drugs available that can stimulate brown fat and improve the breakdown of white fat. One such drug called mirabegron was also studied to increase brown fat activity.
Some herbal supplements including ginseng is also studied on rodents to activate thermogenesis.
But not all supplements and medications are approved by the FDA.
So, before you commit to taking any supplement, it’s strongly suggested to consult your healthcare provider first.
#3. Other Natural Ways to Activate Brown Fat Cells
Also explore the following ways to push the production of brown fat cells for weight loss:
#1. Engage in physical activity. This will help produce enough irisin which is beneficial in turning white fat into brown fat.
#2. Cold water Therapy can be beneficial. It is even proven by the researchers that frequent exposure to cold can accelerate the production of brown fat cells. Hence, you can try cold water therapy to encourage the same.
#3. Take care of your sleeping patterns. Maintaining a healthy sleeping cycle can keep melatonin under control. Also, try switching off the electronic devices hours before hitting the bed.
Well, trying to lose weight can be frustrating, but knowing the distinction between brown fat cells vs white fat cells can be of great help.
The more clear your understanding of brown vs white fat, the more benefits you’d be able to reap.
Concluding Thoughts
By now, you know the difference between white fat and brown fat.
Summarizing the brown vs white fat cells comparison, brown fat cells have more health benefits and white fat has more adverse effects.
So, there’s no question that brown fat brings more to the table than white fat cells.
You, however, remember the fact that white fat works as a cushion for organs when we fall. The only thing you need to draw out from this blog is maintaining the white fat levels such that it doesn’t just get stored away until you have bulges poking through your waistband.
For that, rely on numerous ways to increase brown fat and accelerate the weight loss process.
If you know other ways to boost the production of brown fat, feel free to share them with us.
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