15 Jan Yoga for Thyroid Problems: Can Asanas Cure the Disease Permanently?
Thyroid is one such disease for which yoga is suspected to be effective. There are, in fact, many asanas and pranayama in yoga that are believed to help manage thyroid disorders.
Thyroid is a small gland situated in our throat region. Hormones released from this gland control the temperature, metabolism, and growth of our body.
Any disturbance which results in excess or less secretion of hormones from this gland is thyroid disorder.
The basic premise of using yoga for thyroid is that this mind-body practice may help balance out hormones.
So, let’s first explore how yoga can help you if you have thyroid issues.
Can Yoga Cure Thyroid Permanently | Does It Really Help?
Studies have proved that yoga helps to improve the metabolism of our body and the functioning of thyroid glands.
Stress and disrupted blood flow in the body are a few major factors responsible for thyroid levels in the body.
And yoga practice has a few exercises that can help us go stress-free and also improve blood circulation throughout the body.
As a result, many people try yoga in the pursuit of eliminating thyroid issues.
Well, although yoga cannot cure thyroid complications completely, it is true that ‘Yog’ and ‘Pranayama’ have assisted in improving the condition of both types of thyroid patients.
Thyroid disorder is mainly of two types:
- Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroxine hormones, it results in hypothyroidism.
- Hyperthyroidism: When the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroxine hormones, we call it hyperthyroidism. It is one of the major factors which results in weight loss.
There are sets of instructions provided in our ancient books to conduct some ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayamas’ in the form of exercise for thyroid patients to lose weight and exercise for thyroid control.
Some yoga asanas can add to your treatment of both these types of thyroid disorders.
Yoga Asanas to Control Thyroid
These all asanas/exercises for thyroid control depend upon the blood circulation, which stimulates the thyroid gland.
It involves stretching up your neck in a different position and is highly effective in controlling and improving hypothyroidism.
These are the following asanas or poses which can help us balance thyroid levels, especially in hypothyroidism:
#1. Viparita Karani (Inverted Pose)
This pose involves keeping our legs on the wall and, therefore, is sometimes referred to as the legs up the wall pose.
When your legs are up the wall, blood rushes towards your head. Thus, increasing the blood flow in the thyroid gland, which further helps to regulate it. It is helpful in controlling hypothyroidism.
Besides, this pose refreshes our mind by relieving stress, treating insomnia, and countering anxiety.
Studies have established a direct connection between stress and thyroid complications. This yoga asana is the best way to control thyroid problems and reduce stress.
#2. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Sarvangasana or shoulder stand exerts pressure on the thyroid gland allowing the thyroid to receive the largest supply of blood.
It improves blood circulation and squeezes stagnant secretion. It releases blood into the neck, which nourishes the thyroid gland and helps cure hypothyroidism.
#3. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
This pose also relieves the thyroid gland by stretching the neck and increasing blood circulation in the gland.
Practicing this yoga pose for thyroid can additionally benefit those who have either asthma or spinal issues.
However, patients with hernia or ulcers should avoid doing this pose.
Camel pose is also not recommended to those who suffer from arthritis, vertigo, and abdominal injuries.
#4. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
Setu bandhasana or the bridge pose can effectively improve thyroid, especially hypothyroidism.
The full stretch of the neck encourages good blood circulation in the thyroid gland. Bridge pose is effective in asthma as hell as in headaches. It also strengthens your muscles.
Women in their last stage of pregnancy should avoid the bridge pose.
#5. Halasana (Plow Pose)
This pose involves stretching of the neck, which stimulates the thyroid gland.
Since this pose assists in the secretion of thyroxine hormones, those suffering from hyperthyroidism should not practice this asana.
It strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and relaxes our nervous system.
#6. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
Matsyasana or fish pose needs you to arch your back in such a way that your neck is stretched, improving the blood circulation in the thyroid gland.
It involves stretching the neck and throat and provides stimulation in the thyroid gland.
Moreover, it is also useful in maintaining healthy abdominal muscles.
#7. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
This yoga involves massaging of the thyroid gland which produces the required amount of thyroid hormone for controlling metabolism.
Additionally, apart from getting a strong back and relief from stress, the bow pose is also very effective in soothing menstrual pain.
#8. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
It is a pose taken out of a very beneficial part of yoga known as Surya namaskar.
This asana also involves stretching of the neck and throat region, which results in an increase in thyroid functioning.
Apart from these asanas, pranayama is also considered good in treating and controlling thyroid symptoms.
Pranayama originates from the word ‘prana’ and pranayama means the conscious expansion of the ‘prana’ representing the life force.
Pranayama for Thyroid Problems
Right below are two main pranayamas that can help you manage thyroid issues.
#1. Ujjayi Pranayama
The Psychic Breath Ujjayi Pranayama or the psychic breath soothes the mind and induces a meditative state.
Ujjayi means to lift up. In Ujjayi pranayama, the chest is slightly lifted up in a way that it seems like inhalation is done from the throat.
Ujjayi is sometimes referred to as “the ocean breath”. Ujjayi is the deep breath, which first fills the lower belly then moves into the upper chest and throat.
Inhalation and exhalation are both done with the help of the nose only not involving the mouth, unlike many other yoga asanas.
The soothing effect of Ujjayi pranayama improves the overall functioning of all endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland.
It helps to secrete hormones from the thyroid gland in exactly the same quantity as required by the body.
Studies suggest yoga can be a valuable asset in helping hypothyroidism patients manage their disease-related symptoms.
#2. Kapalbhati
It is pranayama in which one exhales air in short rapid bursts.
These short rapid bursts of air not only help cleanse the lungs but also strengthen our abdomen muscles.
It also positively impacts the thyroid glands.
So, now you know how yoga can cure the thyroid permanently!
Final Words
After carefully analyzing the relationship between thyroid and yoga and reading many thyroid yoga reviews, it will be safe to assume that yoga helps in thyroid disorders.
So, can thyroid be cured permanently by yoga?
Although, yoga, through its various asanas and pranayama, helps a lot in improving the thyroid conditions in patients, it cannot completely cure it.
Yoga is definitely a complementary therapy but one should not treat it as replacement therapy.
Taking medicines along with doing yoga can be a great combination in getting a balanced thyroid level in our body.
Apart from yoga, eating healthy foods and practicing a healthy lifestyle are key to staying away from thyroid disorders.
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