08 Mar Weak Erections in Males: Causes and Remedies of Erectile Weakness
Difficulty in getting erections is a common problem among men these days. However, the causes and signs of weak erections remain controversial and much-less-talked-about issues.
This could be because of a lack of confidence among men to freely and openly accept the condition.
It sometimes often leads to men wondering if they are suffering from erectile dysfunction, a common condition associated with infertility in men.
Although related, weak erections and ED are two different conditions with different causes and symptoms.
The following sections give you a glance at the problems that you need to understand where and why your sexual power is down.
Causes of Weak Erection in Men
The causes of male sexual weakness can be broadly classified into two groups:
- Lifestyle factors, and
- Psychological factors.
Though, medical conditions too can be one of the possible weak erection reasons. Such a type of weakness is often termed erectile dysfunction.
There is a thin line of difference between ED and weak erections – while weak erections could resolve in just one or two days or after some time when the causes are eliminated, ED requires long-term medical treatment.
Nevertheless, the following causes of erectile weakness have been prominently reported by many studies and health experts.
Number 1 Reason for Weak Erection – Psychological Causes
Following are some of the main causes of weak penis erection among men who are going through psychological issues.
#1. Stress
There are two types of stress that an individual goes through; one is acute stress and the other chronic stress.
Too much stress from work or other areas of your life can cause an elevated release of cortisol that brings down your testosterone.
Since testosterone is an important hormone for your erections, it might cause temporary weak erections.
#2. Relationship Issues
Your bond with your partner also defines your sexual performance.
If your relationship is toxic and you are not very happy about how things have been lately, you might not get hard while making love to your partner.
Hence, for physical intimacy, emotional bonding matters too.
#3. Past Sexual Encounter
Sometimes, people may go through a terrific sexual encounter that leaves a mark in their memory.
Whenever they try getting into the act, the past trauma haunts the memories, bringing flashbacks that affect erections.
In such cases, weak erections out of fear are common.
#4. Guilt During Sex
People often feel guilty about being involved with someone due to various reasons. It could be ethical, religious, and even emotional guilt.
Since your entire focus shifts on whether you are doing it right or wrong, your sexual desire, libido, and even erections weaken up.
#5. Anxiety About Performance
Men want to give the best to their women. And while searching for perfection, they often get distracted resulting in early ejaculation and weak erections.
Confidence matters too when you are under the sheets as low confidence makes you focus more on whether you are giving your best or not.
#6. Low Body Positivity
Most of the men that reported weak erections are found to be low in body confidence and are body negative.
The stress of being not fit for your partner or not being good enough can overcome your erections.
#7. Body Dysphoria
It is a mental disorder where men or women are too conscious about the flaws in their bodies.
This could be a minor flaw, but the person spends hours trying to fix it and make it perfect. Since it leads to lots of stress and anxiety, it could be a prominent reason behind your weak erections.
Other than the mental and emotional states of a person, even lifestyle can affect how you perform in bed.
Lifestyle Related Reasons for Weak Erection
Sometimes, leading a healthy lifestyle is the best way to avoid weak erections. Try to avoid the following unhealthy habits…
#1. Alcohol
One of the most common reasons for weak erection is excessive consumption of alcohol.
Too much alcohol interferes with the messengers of your brain that causes interrupted blood flow to the penis.
While regular alcohol consumption for a week can cause temporary weak erections, if it goes on, it could even lead to erectile dysfunction.
ALSO READ: Effects of Alcohol on Sperm Quality
#2. Smoking
Both direct smokers and passive smokers can face problems in erections as when you smoke your blood vessels contract.
This reduces the blood reaching the penis causing poor erections.
Though short-term smoking could cause mild weak erections, consistent smokers can develop erectile dysfunction.
#3. Addiction to Porn
According to a study conducted back in 2015, porn addiction can change the way a man responds to arousal.
While it could even improve the way a person responds to seduction, it can also work negatively.
In fact, research on the effects of pornography on the relationship of adult males is pretty solid in their conclusions.
For example, porn addiction can change the way the brain reacts to arousal. And hence, real partners can seem less exciting than the videos you watch.
Other than these two prominent causes, low testosterone has been noted as one of the major medical causes of sexual weakness and weak erection.
Low Testosterone is a Reason for Weak Erections
Your testosterone levels can show natural decline as you age making your erections go weak and your performance dip.
But these days, low testosterone levels have also emerged as causes of weak erection in youths because of lifestyle patterns like alcohol and smoking. Unhealthy lifestyle habits can also cause low testosterone levels in younger males as well.
Since testosterone plays a vital role in libido, sexual arousal, and desire, it can also affect your penis strength. In fact, if you have dangerously dipping testosterone levels, take it that it can manifest into one of the signs of weak penis.
Most of the above causes, when not looked after, can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. But weak erections and ED are often two different situations.
Can Your Weak Erection Be Erectile Dysfunction?
Weak erections are not erectile dysfunction. However, they may develop into erectile dysfunction when you don’t take proper care.
The basic step to understand why ED is different from weak erections is to understand what weak erection is.
What is a Weak Erection | How Is It Different from Erectile Dysfunction?
Weak erection is the inability to stay hard for a longer time and early ejaculation.
Still, in these cases, you will still be hard enough to penetrate.
It can also be defined as the frequency of your erectile status. For example, if you have experienced just a few situations where you weren’t hard, it’s probably just a case of weak erections.
On the other hand, erectile dysfunction is a medical condition, where men primarily notice:
- The curvature of the penis
- Inability to penetrate
- Ejaculation with just one thrust
…along with other signs of erectile dysfunction.
Moreover, the causes of erectile dysfunction unlike weak erections are mostly medical conditions that limit blood flow to the penis.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction are More Serious
Unlike weak erections, erectile dysfunction is mostly caused by medical conditions that interrupt blood flow to the penis:
#1. Diseases That Block Arteries
Blockage in the arteries can limit the blood reaching your lower region causing erectile dysfunction.
In such cases, mostly the penile arteries get blocked either because of fat deposition, narrowing of arteries, or high cholesterol.
#2. Leakage in the Veins
The mechanism of erection follows trapping the blood received by the arteries of your penis and not allowing it to flow out.
But in some cases, there could be a venous leakage that leaks out the blood trapped in the penis affecting erections in men with ED.
#3. Diabetes
According to reports, men suffering from diabetes can develop ED earlier than non-diabetic men.
This could be because of damage to the nerves and blood vessels that control erections.
#4. Hypertension
Hypertension affects the flow of blood and limits circulation, causing poor blood supply to your penile area.
Hence, erectile dysfunction could be caused by long-term hypertension.
Erectile dysfunction is also one of the major consequences of weak erections that one faces.
Effects of Weak Erections – Men Begin Feeling Emasculated!
Weak erections mostly affect your lifestyle, sexual life, and sometimes even your penile health.
#1. Decline in Sexual Satisfaction
Inability to stay harder for a longer time results in less sexual satisfaction among men as they are not able to enjoy the moment.
Moreover, it can also be unpleasant for your partner, further influencing confidence in men.
#2. Low Self-Confidence
Weak erections can lower confidence among men when they sense disappointment on their partner’s face.
It can also make them doubt their strength and other abilities to make their partner happy.
#3. Depression
It makes men conscious about their performance, leading to anxiety, which, in the long term, can develop into mental health issues.
One such common health issue reported among men suffering from weak erections is depression.
#4. Poor Relationships
Intimacy with your partner is a bidirectional factor in weak erections.
It could be a cause as well as a result of weak erections.
Usually, less sexual satisfaction brings in less pleasure that affects both partners.
#5. Erectile Dysfunction
The most serious consequence of not opting for a weak erection treatment is ED.
ED is a condition where most of the time no natural remedies work and the last option always remains medicines, some type of equipment, and sometimes surgery.
Good for you that in the cases of weak erections, you can work out your sexual strength through some easy natural remedies which we discuss below.
Weak Penis Erection Treatment – Natural Remedies and Medical Solutions
Weak erections can be naturally resolved and you can gain back your penile strength in no time.
Natural Remedies
Try the following natural remedies to cure the main causes of weak erection. Moreover, these are healthy for you in general as well.
#1. Superfoods
Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, legumes, and veggies is healthy for your erections. But adding some specific foods to the platter can make you sustain longer than you think:
- Watermelon – It contains citrulline that dilates your blood vessels, improving the flow to your penis making you get a stronger and harder rock.
- Coffee – Drinking coffee before you get into action can make you rock the bed with its ability to relax the smooth muscles of your penile area.
- Dark Chocolate – Rich in flavonoids, chocolate floods your penile area with blood for harder and long-lasting erections.
- Salmon – It has vitamin D that boosts testosterone and helps in reducing weak erections.
- Oranges – This fruit contains flavonoids that encourage good blood flow and improve your ability to sustain an erection.
#2. More Exercises
The reason why we suggest exercises here is that testosterone levels can have a good impact on your erections.
Lifting weights and performing high-intensity workouts give a dramatic boost to your testosterone levels making you crave sex more often.
This improves your arousal and natural erections as well.
You can even start with moderate exercising to later give yourself a good testosterone surge.
Recommended Read: Workout to Increase Testosterone
#3. A Healthy Sleeping Schedule
Sleep pattern has a vital role in your sexual performance as the highest amount of testosterone gets released in your body when you sleep.
Hence, make sure you get quality sleep.
#4. Stress Management
If your weak erections are because of any stress or because of past emotional and sexual trauma, stress management therapies work the best.
Cutting out stress lets you relax and focus more on the action between the sheets, making your brain send messengers to fill your penile area with blood.
#5. Supplements
Natural supplements containing exclusive ingredients proven for their benefits in improving sexual performance can come to your aid pretty quickly.
There are also natural supplements that you just need to pop in before going to bed for an electric night.
But make sure you always pick out good supplements that contain scientifically-backed ingredients. Some ingredients like DHEA, L-arginine, and ginseng are actually studied to support sexual performance in men.
On the off chance these remedies don’t work and you are still experiencing frequent episodes of weak erections, it’s time to visit the doctor.
In some cases, even younger men can encounter the signs of ED. You can read a complete blog on the causes of erectile dysfunction in 30s to understand the condition better.
In extreme cases, it is best to go for the erectile dysfunction test that allows the doctor to prescribe some good medical treatments.
Weak Penis Erection Medical Treatment and Medicine
Usually, weak erections are temporary and can be treated by alleviating the main cause and a healthy lifestyle. But when weak erections become severe, it’s best to consider a medical consultation.
There are many medical treatments available for ED based on the causes of erectile dysfunction.
These treatments work well for your weak erections too but are mostly recommended only for ED.
- Medications that inhibit phosphodiesterase type-5. Viagra is one such medication usually prescribed.
- Hormone replacement therapy for weak erections caused by an abnormal dip in testosterone levels.
- Injections for the penis to support harder and stronger erections as these injections dilate the blood vessels.
- Vacuum erections devices that use a pump to make a low-pressure vacuum around your penile area result in hard erections.
- Intraurethral therapy
Only opt for any of these treatments after discussing every option with your doctor in detail.
Final Words
Weak erections have become a common phenomenon among men that needs attention as it could hamper not one but many aspects of your life.
The common effects of weak erections are not just seen in your sexual performance but also in your daily chores. It has a damaging effect on your overall confidence.
The very first step to fighting such a situation is understanding the weak erection causes and solutions!
While weak erections could be caused by multiple factors, a major population of men suffers because of their lifestyle and behavioral patterns.
Fortunately, despite the causes, there are cures for weak erections as the condition is often temporary and doesn’t define your sexual performance for life.
Now, your turn. Do you have more queries you would like us to answer? Leave them in the comments section down below and we’ll get back to you.
Posted at 20:59h, 18 Marchvery comprehensive blog, Loved your insight on the psychological causes of weak erection and the body dysphoria. It’s really not talked about as much as it should be.