07 Oct Brutal Force vs Crazy Bulk – Comparison Breakdown [Review]
The supplement market is already well-established and it doesn’t seem to have any plans of taking rest. It is, therefore, natural to have a myriad of brands each claiming to be better than the other.
Two of the most popular supplement brands that are ruling the current market are Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force. While Crazy Bulk is the pioneer of legal steroid alternatives, Brutal Force is comparatively a new entrant.
Both of these brands have successfully grabbed the attention and created a loyal customer base. Still, when it comes to choosing one, it’s more confusing than ever.
Brutal Force vs Crazy Bulk – which one to go for, is the first obstacle for those who are looking for effective supplements to support their bodybuilding goals.
The main differences between Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force are mainly the differences in ingredients, dosage, stacks, and price. Here’s a quick breakdown of the comparison:
- CrazyBulk is a more trusted and older brand when compared to Brutal Force, which was introduced much later.
- Usually, the legal steroid alternatives by Crazy Bulk contain more herbal ingredients in comparison to Brutal Force products.
- CrazyBulk has more reviews and before and after pictures shared by its users, increasing the credibility of the brand.
- The stacks offered by CrazyBulk are more centered around both men and women; there are also female cutting and bulking stacks. Whereas, Brutal Force doesn’t categorize its stacks based on gender.
Keeping these in mind, today we’ve come up with a comparison review of the two biggest health supplement brands, Brutal Force and Crazy Bulk, and what makes one more approachable than the other.
So, give your dumbbells a rest and go through this comparative breakdown to find your best buy.
Crazy Bulk vs Brutal Force: A Comparison Review
Steroids are in use for modifying the physique for longer than you can imagine. Despite its life-threatening side effects, people couldn’t stop using steroids because of the transformation they used to get.
However, things changed when Crazy Bulk came up with legal steroid alternatives in 2010. Since then it has been the most trusted brand among bodybuilders, pro athletes, and even casual workout enthusiasts.
The GRAND DADDY of legal steroids Crazy Bulk is owned by Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited which is a globally recognized and leading fitness, health, and wellness brand since 1971.
>> CrazyBulk Official Website
On the other hand…
Brutal Force is comparatively very new. Even though it also sells legal alternatives of steroids, it took time to establish and create loyal customers because of the pre-existence of Crazybulk.
Brutal Force, however, is a tough competitor and is undoubtedly stealing some of the customers of Crazy Bulk.
This supplement brand is owned by Health Nutrition which is another established fitness brand since 1999.
>> Brutal Force Website
Both brands top the list of anyone who is looking to get an effective product. A peek into the range of products offered by them can help in the further division.
Brutal Force vs Crazy Bulk: Range of Products Offered
Both Brutal Force and Crazy Bulk offer many different types of products each targeting a different goal. The following list is the variety of health supplements you might find with these brands.
Crazy Bulk Supplements Line
Crazy Bulk offers the following supplements:
- D- Bal (Legal Dianabol)
- HGH X2(HGH) (Legal Somatropin)
- Trenorol (Legal Trenbolone)
- Testo-Max (Legal Sustanon)
- Anadrole (legal Anadrol)
- Decaduro (Legal Deca Durabolin)
- Winsol (Legal Winstrol)
- Anvarol (Legal Anavar)
- Clenbutrol (legal Clenbuterol)
- Nitric Max
These were steroid alternatives. Recently, Crazy Bulk has also added legal SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) alternatives to its collection. It includes:
- TESTOL 140 (Legal Testolone RAD 140 alternative)
- OSTA 2866 (Legal OSTARINE MK-2866 alternative)
- IBUTA 677 (Legal Ibutamoren MK-677 alternative)
- LIGAN 4033 (Legal LIGANDROL LGD-4033 alternative)
- C-DINE 501516 (Legal CARDARINE GW501516)
- STENA 9009 (Legal Stenabolic sr9009 ALTERNATIVE)
Although all of them are individually famous, there are a few star performers of Crazy Bulk supplements.
Popular Crazy Bulk Supplements
Some of the popular CrazyBulk supplements are:
#1. Testo-Max: It is designed to boost the testosterone level naturally leading to insane workout and muscle gains.
#2. D-Bal: It is known to increase strength and maximize gains. Check out a detailed D-Bal results review to know more.
#3. Anvarol: Crazy Bulk Anvarol helps shred fat without water retention. It offers great benefits during the cutting cycle.
#4. Winsol: It is designed to assist in retaining lean and quality muscle. It also offers strength and performance.
#5. TESTOL 140: Testol 140 is all about bulking safely and developing lean muscles.
#6. IBUTA 677: It promotes muscle recovery and boosts HGH naturally.
These supplements are targeted toward a specific goal and this makes it easier for the user to choose one. In the case of wider goals like bulking, you don’t have to pick supplements individually. Crazy Bulk offers these supplements in stacks as well that’s available for both males and females.
Brutal Force Supplement Line
Brutal Force offers the following supplements in its range of steroid alternatives:
- DBULK (Dianabol alternative)
- ABULK (Anadrol alternative)
- SBULK (Testosterone Sustanon alternative)
- TBULK (Trenbolone alternative)
- HBULK (Somatropin HGH alternative)
- DEKABULK (Deca-Durabolin alternative)
- CCUT (Clenbuterol alternative)
- ACUT (Anavar alternative)
- WINCUT (Winstrol alternative)
- GCUT (Gynecomastia reduction)
SARMs alternatives are also available in the range of Brutal Force supplements. Some of the SARMs alternatives include:
- OSTABULK (Ostarine MK-2866 alternative)
- RADBULK (Testolone RAD-140 alternative)
- LIGABULK (Ligandrol LGD-4033 alternative)
- YKBULK (YK-11 Mayostatin inhibitor alternative)
- ANDALEAN (Anadarine S-4 alternative)
- CARDALEAN (Cardarine alternative)
- CUTSR9 (Stenabolic alternative)
These were all the supplements currently offered by Brutal Force. You can choose to buy most of these in stacks if you would rather prefer a pack curated for specific goals. Out of all these, some products are especially well-known among its users.
Popular Brutal Force Supplements
The following supplements by Brutal Force are sold widely all over the world:
#1. DBULK: It offers extreme energy and boosts muscle gains.
#2. RADBULK: RADBULK improves vascularity, provides extreme strength, and helps build iron-hard muscles.
#3. CCUT: Brutal Force CCUT helps burn fat, protects lean muscle mass, and improves metabolism.
Both supplement brands are quite established. Nonetheless, popularity doesn’t guarantee its authenticity but legal status can.
CrazyBulk vs Brutal Force: Legal Status
Both Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force are well-established brands.
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force deal with the same types of supplements. But the catch here is their range of supplements for muscle building, hormone boosting, steroid alternatives, and SARMs alternatives are all legal.
None of the brands include synthetic hormones and entirely rely on natural blends for their results. From following the FDA and GMP guidelines for manufacturing to using research-based safe ingredients, both Brutal Force and CrazyBulk claim to be safe and legal.
Still, customers have their own favorites and it’s visible in their ratings.
CrazyBulk vs Brutal Force: Customer Rating
Crazy Bulk has the leverage of being an experienced one. Also, being a pioneer in legal steroid alternatives helps bag more positive reviews. Crazy Bulk has 13,000+ Facebook fans, 5000+ Twitter followers, and 8000+ Instagram followers.
Brutal Force, on the other hand, is also a fairly popular brand. And even though most of its users recommend it to their friends, it still has a long way to go to win the hearts and confidence of its users.
Moving on, anything that makes a supplement popular is its results. And the results are primarily because of the blend of the ingredients. With that being said, let’s see which of these two brands offers a more compatible blend of ingredients.
Ingredients Breakdown: Secrets of the Blend
Choosing the right ingredient of the right quality can be a game changer for any supplement. In fact, the quality and quantity of the different ingredients decide the effectiveness of the results.
Crazy Bulk uses more herbal ingredients in its supplements. These ingredients include Suma root, ashwagandha, fenugreek, and Tribulus Terrestris.
Along with these, CrazyBulk ingredients also have a combination of minerals and vitamins. These include some of the famous muscle-building ingredients, such as zinc, magnesium, and boron.
Herbal ingredients like fenugreek and ashwagandha are scientifically proven to boost testosterone. Whereas minerals like zinc and magnesium work wonders in improving muscle recovery.
Brutal Force, on the other hand, uses ingredients like acetyl-L-carnitine, Choline Bitartrate, Wild Yam, DMAE Bitartrate, and Safflower seed extract.
Wild yam contains diosgenin and stimulates DHEA and other useful hormones. It can also lower cholesterol growth. For lean muscles, reducing fat storage around the torso, and increasing muscular strength, Brutal Force uses safflower seed extracts.
A lot of these ingredients are common among bodybuilding products. However, there are some which are unique and thus make the product stand out.
Unique Ingredients of Crazy Bulk
Apart from including the common ingredients with bodybuilding benefits, Crazy Bulk also includes some unique ingredients in its supplements.
It includes Hawthorne berry extract in HGH X-2, Mucuna Pruriens extract in HGH X-2, Samento inner bark in Trenorol, and Shilajit Concentrate in Anadrole.
The inclusion of these ingredients sets it apart from Brutal Force.
Unique Ingredients of Brutal Force
Brutal Force also keeps improving its supplements by experimenting with ingredient types. The unique ingredients of Brutal Force are wild yam powder in RADBULK, Safflower oil powder in RADBULK, Garcinia Cambogia in CCUT, and long jack powder in YKBULK.
It is because of such distinctive components in its blend that Brutal Force and Crazy Bulk deliver significant results.
Which One Offers Faster Results?
Ultimately what matters is the results you get. If the product is highly rated but still fails to deliver desirable results, it’s of no use.
As per most of the users, the maximum products of Crazy Bulk deliver great results in 2-3 weeks. The same is the case with Brutal Force.
Also, both of the brands recommend using their supplements for 4 weeks to witness a significant transformation.
Note: The result time may vary depending on how your body responds to the product and its composition.
It’s worth noting that though both Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force supplements deliver results in the same duration, there is a difference in their dosage.
Crazy Bulk vs Brutal Force: Consumption and Dosage
Most of the Crazy Bulk legal steroid alternatives are recommended for intake 45 minutes before a workout. You need to consume 3 pills of Crazy Bulk legal steroid alternatives.
Whereas, you need to consume Brutal Force legal steroid supplement only 20 minutes before your 1st meal.
In terms of Crazy Bulk SARMs, you need to consume 4 pills 20-30 minutes before lifting or working out. Whereas, Brutal Force SARM alternatives mostly show results by consuming just 1-3 capsules (depending upon the product) 20 minutes before the 1st meal.
So, if you’re someone who can’t take a lot of pills, Brutal Force might be for you.
Crazy Bulk vs Brutal Force: The One with Minimal Side Effects
Side effects are the most considerable part of deciding which supplement brand to go for.
You can afford to ignore the price and packaging for once but can’t take the adverse effects for granted.
Possible Crazy Bulk Side Effects:
Crazy Bulk has more herbal ingredients, and though they have immense health benefits, the chances of side effects and interactions may also increase. Plant-derived preparations and products can sometimes trigger some health issues.
For instance, fenugreek causes allergic reactions in some people, and a large dosage of ashwagandha can lead to upset stomach and liver issues. Ginseng, on the other hand, usually has mild reactions if any. It may increase blood pressure and lead to a rapid heartbeat when you consume too much of it.
Users of ginseng are often advised to only buy their supplements from a reputable source.
Possible Brutal Force Side Effects:
Talking about the side effects of Brutal Force supplements, the makers have tried to create a more advanced and balanced composition.
So, you will find a mix of herbs and other ingredients, and the manufacturers don’t completely rely on herbal components. This, however, doesn’t mean it can never have any negative impact on your health.
MSM can give rise to nausea, stomach issues, itching, and even worsen allergic reactions.
The herbal ingredient, Bulbine Natalensis, in some Brutal Force products, has been proven to increase T-levels. And literature has documented that the possibility of any side effects like acne and weight gain is heavily dependent on the doses.
The key here to prevent these side effects is to consider your allergies and the dosage quantity of each ingredient in your chosen supplement.
Most of the herbs cause reactions when either you’re allergic or have consumed too much of it at once.
Also, it’s just plain common sense to stay away from herbal products if you often find yourself allergic to herbal preparations. In this case, Brutal Force might suit you better as it has fewer herbal components as compared to CrazyBulk.
As for the dosage, both CrazyBulk and Brutal Force claim to have kept them under safe and permissible limits.
It is to be noted that most of the time side effects are due to an overdose of the supplement. And one can prevent it by sticking to the dosage recommendation.
Go through the complete ingredients list and then choose your product after reviewing them for allergies. If you take a medicine, better first consult your doctor and get clearance for drug interactions.
Now, last but not the least is the pricing factor!
Although your consumption capacity and supplement’s safety can be deciding factors, you can’t ignore how heavy it’s going to be on your pocket.
Brutal Force vs Crazy Bulk Cost: Which One is More Affordable?
Right off the bat, Brutal Force products are more affordable in comparison to Crazy Bulk Supplements.
While you can get 1 bottle of Brutal Force legal steroid supplements for $59.99, you have to pay $64.99 for the steroids alternative by Crazy Bulk.
However, both brands keep offering discounts and sales on their official website.
Before concluding, it’s important to remember that brand value also factors into the pricing of a product.
Brutal Force vs Crazy Bulk: Shipping and Money-Back Guarantee
One cannot deny the fact that smooth shipping and return policy makes the purchase risk-free. And it forms one of the deciding factors in choosing which brand to trust.
Brutal Force ships almost everywhere. You get FREE WORLDWIDE shipping at Brutal Force. However, there is a list of places Brutal Force doesn’t ship to. These include Angola, Brunei, Chad, Crimea region of Ukraine, Cuba, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Iran, Laos, Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Miquelon), Libya, Liberia, Madagascar, Martinique, Mauritius, Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Republic of Congo, Panama, Reunion (Bourbon), Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Yemen.
Crazy Bulk, on the other hand, claims to ship worldwide in nearly 100 countries. There are no shipping charges. Furthermore, Crazy Bulk provides no details regarding the countries it doesn’t ship to. You get to know while making the purchase.
Talking about a money-back guarantee, CrazyBulk offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on all of its products. You can return unused products in their original containers within 67 days of receiving the order.
Ordering from Brutal Force, on the other hand, gives you a 100-day money-back guarantee.
At this point, both of the brands seem balanced with their own pros and cons. Thus, let’s get to know why you should choose one over the other.
Benefits of Choosing CrazyBulk Over Brutal Force
This is more or less the decider round of Brutal Force vs Crazy Bulk.
Some of the benefits you witness over Brutal Force supplements by choosing Crazy Bulk products are:
#1. LESS CYCLING DURATION: Crazy Bulk product requires a cycle of 4 weeks and 8 weeks maximum with 1.5 weeks off. However, Brutal Force products require a minimum of an 8-week cycle with 1.5 weeks off.
#2. MORE WOMEN-CENTRIC PRODUCTS: Crazy Bulk is more female-friendly as it offers 3 female bodybuilding supplements in comparison to 1 by Brutal Force. The female bodybuilding supplements offered by Crazy Bulk are Clenbuterol, Winsol, and Anvarol.
#3. MERCH AND MEMBERSHIP OFFER: This is something you may not find on any other supplement brand let alone Brutal Force. Crazy Bulk offers membership. To explain, you can create your Crazy Bulk account and become a member. In return, you get special discounts, free gifts, exclusive merch, and access to member-only sales. You also get loyalty points and get a few $ off your products.
#4. CELEBRITY AMBASSADORS: Crazy Bulk is used and recommended by a lot of professionals. Ramsford Smith, Christopher Tripp, and Ash Edelman are some of the famous pro athletes, bodybuilders, and celebrities who swear by the results of Crazy Bulk.
Over the years, Crazy Bulk has been able to meet the needs and fitness requirements of its users. It has successfully provided them with nearly everything they can ask for.
See What Customers are Saying >>
Benefits of Choosing Brutal Force Over CrazyBulk
Some of the benefits of choosing Brutal Force supplements over Crazy Bulk are:
#1. MORE AFFORDABLE: Brutal Force is more affordable. If you are a beginner and want to try the products without investing much, you can go for Brutal Force. Bodybuilding can get expensive; however, Brutal Force makes it affordable.
#2. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: Brutal Force offers a wider window for the money-back guarantee. There’s no need to rush to return its products. You can take time to witness the results and decide.
Although the perks of ordering Brutal Force over Crazy Bulk are only 2, you can still count on them while making the final decision.
Check The Review of Real Users >>
Take Your Pick!
Choosing between the two leading supplement brands is not easy. But when you sit down to count on the perks and downsides, you get to decide well.
When comparing Crazy Bulk vs Brutal Force, while Crazy Bulk’s products and services clearly showcase its experience of being a pioneer, Brutal Force is yet a newbie that needs to catch up on some aspects.
However, in terms of the quality of the products, Brutal Force is good as well. Vitamins and minerals like zinc are used equally well in the supplements of both brands.
If you’re looking for a more seasoned supplement brand that’s trusted and endorsed by experts, CrazyBulk would be a better pick. Whereas, Brutal Force gives a tough fight when it comes to affordability and some of their SARMs products and stacks have been blowing up the market recently.
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So, which one do you think is more your type and why? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.
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