13 Aug PhenQ Scam Reports: Does It Work for Weight Loss? | Real Reviews
Weight loss supplements are supposed to make you lose considerable weight without any adverse effects. At least, that’s what they claim. But instead of giving benefits, they often leave you with a funny feeling.
PhenQ is one popular weight loss supplement that has been under surveillance for long. As per PhenQ reviews, it has effective results. However, there are shocking reports of it being a fake weight loss pill with precautionary warnings.
Its quick results and claims like “achieve 5X weight loss efforts” drags PhenQ into a questionable position.
So, is PhenQ Scam—What’s the truth?
Let’s find out is PhenQ is a genuine weight loss supplement or another marketing gimmick in this in-depth review.
Is PhenQ Scam Or Legit?
With so many pills out there and all claiming to help you get over weight issues, it’s obvious to have second thoughts. Further, the PhenQ scam reports and negative reviews make it even more difficult to come to a decision.
There are consumer reports of PhenQ being another fake weight loss pill.
While sometimes the reasons are genuine, other times it might also be the competitor’s cheap strategy.
3 primary reasons behind the PhenQ negative reviews and scam rumors:
#1. People Buying PhenQ in Third-Party Stores
Generally, in order to cut a few dollars and in the notion that official sites charge more; people opt for third-party stores. Mostly, who got PhenQ Amazon products talk about it being a fake weight loss pill.
We chatted to the customer support about this through PhenQ official website. They clearly mention “No third-party stores are authorized to sell PhenQ legally and we only sell and release offers through the official website”.
Hence, the PhenQ pills you see on GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and GNC might be doppelgangers. They might even have unknown ingredients.
PhenQ reviews by Amazon users comment on how the bottle looked different.
Some tell-tale signs of a fake weight loss pill are spelling mistakes on the bottle or an old-looking pack.
PhenQ Amazon reviews are mixed. There’s no telling what the users ends up getting due to varied sellers sourcing the product from unknown origins. Some reviews can also be cheap tactic of the store owners/sellers to increase sales.
#2. Fast Weight Loss Claims and Reports
The fast weight loss claims by PhenQ bring it under the radar. The slogans like “7.24% DROP IN EXCESS BODY FAT” and “3.44% DROP IN OVERALL BODY WEIGHT” make it look promotional. This belief is the leading cause of PhenQ scams reports and legit warnings.
People find it hard to trust the working of these products. Plus, these exaggerated claims often overshadow the reality of a product.
The truth is no one product has ever worked similarly for everyone. The weight loss goals of PhenQ users also differ.
Some users have lost up to 30 pounds while others commented on side effects like anxiety and upset stomach. PhenQ real reviews can be found here.
#3. Not Always Adhering to the Dosage Instructions/Allergies
PhenQ side effects may also be because of having an allergy to ingredients like caffeine.
Caffeine in the weight loss pill can cause some allergies and anxiety if you are also drinking coffee along with supplementation.
In fact, the official support advises against taking too much caffeine close to your bedtime.
Not adhering to these dosage instructions causes users to get nausea and restlessness. This is a common PhenQ complaint on many review websites.
On Trustpilot, there are complaints about anxiety after taking PhenQ. A user also took the time to share some instructions.
Overall, PhenQ reviews Trustpilot rate this fat-burning pill as excellent/great based on 65% users’ feedback. The PhenQ official customer support is also active on the website.
So, if you’ve any questions regarding dosage, that’s a place to get in touch with the official PhenQ team. Questions can also be asked on the official website of PhenQ.
So, while PhenQ scam claims do exist, there’s more to the story.
PhenQ Scam: Facts/Truth
Mostly, PhenQ scam reports are because of its claims to reduce fat and overall body weight fast. People who don’t see results in the given time frame consider it as another fake supplement.
Considering this issue, PhenQ officials replied to a lot of PhenQ negative reviews. As per them, PhenQ results may vary from person to person depending upon the body composition. While it may show early results on one, it may take more than a couple of weeks for the other.
Quite logical!
To back it up, there are PhenQ real customer reviews and before and after pictures that show the real transformations.
Some people have lost 2 pounds a week and there are also people who lost 38 pounds in 3 months.
Also, the effectiveness of the supplement can be trusted because of the research-backed ingredients. All the PhenQ ingredients are scientifically researched. In fact, the official site provides the research in case you’re looking for evidence.
Not to mention, it also uses a trademark ingredient, α-Lacys Reset®. It’s a combination of fat metabolism-boosting natural ingredients in the right quantity. It triggers thermogenesis and helps shed extra fat.
Does PhenQ Really Work?
As per the official website, PhenQ has 190,000+ SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. As per the real PhenQ before and after pictures, it does work.
Judging whether PhenQ is a genuine weight loss supplement or a scam is all about understanding how it works.
All this weight loss pill claims to do is help you lose weight alongside diet and exercise. Yes, PhenQ cannot work for you if you don’t follow a weight loss diet as well.
Three areas PhenQ diet pills target are:
- It provides you with energy and makes your workouts more productive. With better energy, you’re able to improve workout sessions to their full potential.
- PhenQ helps you enjoy better control over your appetite, making it easier to control weight. It has nopal cactus, which is high in fiber. This will also help you in curbing untimely cravings and hunger pangs.
- It also keeps the irritation at bay that you may feel while on a diet and workout routine.
In short, PhenQ only makes it much easier to follow a strict diet schedule and exercise program without mood swings.
Hence, PhenQ does work. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you add it to your routine.
#1. The fast results may not be visible to everyone due to different body compositions.
#2. You must accompany it with exercise and a proper diet to have the desired results.
When accompanied by lifestyle changes, patience, and proper diet, PhenQ has worked for real.
So, if that’s the case, why are there PhenQ negative reviews?
PhenQ Negative Reviews – Why are There Complaints?
Besides purchasing it from unauthorized stores with scams, there is one reason behind the PhenQ negative reviews.
Yes, PhenQ results are often compared with that of phentermine.
Phentermine is a prescription medication that reduces appetite. Because of this reason, its use is common to treat obesity.
PhenQ, on the other hand, uses natural ingredients like chromium picolinate to suppress your appetite.
As PhenQ has a natural formulation, it rarely works as fast as phentermine. So, most users expecting it to work as fast are often left disappointed, thinking PhenQ is good old snake oil marketing.
However, one must know the pros and cons before final selection of a weight loss product.
There are severe risks associated with the use of phentermine. Whereas, PhenQ is vegan and natural and doesn’t have the same warnings for side effects as phentermine.
PhenQ vs Phentermine
#1. Phentermine is a prescription drug. Whereas, PhenQ doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription. It is because of its natural composition.
#2. PhenQ has no known severe health risks. However, that’s not the case with Phentermine. It increases the heart rate and blood pressure, which is alarming.
#3. Phentermine can have allergic reactions like face and throat swelling and difficulty in breathing. Whereas, in the case of PhenQ, you may experience allergic reactions if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
#4. Taking phentermine with alcohol is life-threatening. One needs to stop drinking while taking phentermine. However, that’s not the case with PhenQ. Although it’d be beneficial if you stop taking alcohol, there’s no adverse interactions if you consume alcohol with PhenQ.
Another reason why PhenQ doesn’t deliver super-fast weight loss results as Phentermine is its ingredients. Almost every ingredient is of natural origin.
The claims are these ingredients offer lasting results over time rather than quick weight loss that goes away after stopping supplementation.
PhenQ Ingredients
One always has a pre notion about the formation of weight loss products. Undoubtedly, it’s important to have proper knowledge about the ingredients a product uses to deliver benefits.
PhenQ is a blend of 5 main ingredients that happen to be the main reason behind its benefits.
#1. Capsimax Powder
It contains the extract of capsaicinoids from capsicum (red chilli pepper). Capsimax amplifies the thermogenic ability of the body and stimulates the natural fat-burning potential.
Evidence: As per reports, Capsaicinoids found in pepper extracts and chilies have potential benefits on body fat and fat mass.
#2. Chromium Picolinate
The hunger suppressing effect of PhenQ is the result of Chromium Picolinate (CrPic). Apart from aiding in weight loss, it also helps in reducing blood sugar levels.
Evidence: As per Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, as compared to placebo, CrPic reduced food intake, hunger pangs, and fat cravings, resulting in decreased body weight.
#3. Caffeine
Caffeine benefits for weight loss are not anecdotal. It boosts metabolism, eliminates fatigue, improves focus, and also helps shed fat loss.
Evidence: According to a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, with every doubling in caffeine intake, there was a mean reduction in weight, fat mass, and BMI. This study was published in the Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.
#4. Nopal Cactus
Nopal cactus has two major benefits when it comes to weight loss. This includes fat accumulation as well as giving a fuller feeling. Nopal cactus binds itself with dietary fat and flushes it out of your body through excretion.
Evidence: As per reports, cactus fiber helps in reducing body weight by binding to dietary fat and increasing its excretion. There were no adverse events reported.
#5. L-Carnitine Fumarate
L-Carnitine Fumarate is naturally found in red meats, nuts, and green veggies. It helps transform fat into energy. As a result, it not only assists with fat burn but also energizes you.
Evidence: As per the reports published on Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, L-carnitine supplementation shows a significant reduction in body weight, BMI, and fat mass.
The blend of PhenQ ingredients makes it look promising. Let’s see what the users have to say about it.
PhenQ Real Reviews: Consumer Reports
Earlier in this blog, we discussed the PhenQ scams and negative reviews and the possible reasons behind them. But PhenQ is a popular weight loss pill and has many positive reviews as well.
#1. PhenQ helped me lose baby weight and fully reach my goals.
– April R., 35
#2. My dress size dropped to 3 in just 12 weeks.
– Amy C., 34
#3. I paired it with a healthy diet and exercises and lost 44 lbs in 3 months.
– Taiylah P., 21
#4. PhenQ helped me lose 11 lbs in 1 month.
– Ghislain R., 31
These are users who support PhenQ. Clearly, the results are varied, depending on the differences in body composition and metabolism.
But if you want to have an idea, let’s see how much weight you can reduce on average.
How Much Weight Will YOU Lose with PhenQ and How Long Does It Take to See Results?
It wouldn’t be ideal to give any numbers. The weight you lose entirely depends on your body.
However, depending upon the majority of PhenQ reviews and results, expect to lose around 9-10 lbs per month.
Depending on your target weight, it would take anywhere from 1-6 months to notice any substantial PhenQ results.
The majority of users have enhanced its effectiveness by using it with some workout and diet restrictions.
Why Do Users Have to Exercise and Diet with PhenQ?
The weight loss pill does no magic. Thus, while PhenQ may help you lose weight, accompanying it with exercise will only accelerate the process.
Regular exercise and diet offers psychological support in striving for weight loss goals. When you exercise, you’re bound to get at least some results. This will help you stay motivated and stick to a regime.
Moreover, the use of thermogenics in PhenQ fastens the process of burning fat cells. Appetite suppressants suppress the need for midnight cravings, helping manage hunger-driven mood swings.
When paired with the proper lifestyle and eating habits, PhenQ can be of a lot of help in achieving your weight loss goals.
Of course, staying practical with your fitness goals also helps. Make sure you are setting an achievable target while following the right PhenQ dosage.
ALSO READ: High-Protein Diet Plan for Weight Loss
How to Use PhenQ? – 4 Steps to Weight Loss Success
There are 4 easy steps to keep in mind when consuming PhenQ weight loss pills.
Step 1: Take one PhenQ pill with your breakfast and one with lunch.
Step 2: Make sure you take the diet pills with enough water.
Step 3: Avoid taking it after 3 pm.
Step 4: Limit the intake of caffeinated beverages if you’re caffeine sensitive.
Note: Consuming PhenQ after 3 pm may have an adverse effect on your sleep. Also, it’s important to limit your caffeine consumption because PhenQ already contains caffeine and additional caffeine intake might lead to overdose and possible PhenQ side effects.
– If you’re below 18 years, avoid using PhenQ.
– Pregnant and breastfeeding women must not use it.
– If you are on prescription drugs, consult your health professional first.
– Avoid taking the pills on an empty stomach.
Taking PhenQ in the right amount and as instructed can be a good support to your weight loss regime.
Where to Buy Legit PhenQ Weight Loss Pills Online?
Considering the emerging PhenQ scam queries, it’s best to buy genuine weight loss supplements from the PhenQ official website.
Buying it from this portal will guarantee an original product at the right price.
The official website is currently offering the product at the following prices:
- 1 BOTTLE: $69.99
- 2 BOTTLES + 1 FREE: $139.99
- 3 BOTTLES + 2 FREE: $209.99
There’s free worldwide delivery along with a money-back guarantee of 60 days.
It means if you didn’t get to witness the results, “simply return the first two empty bottles of your 60-day PhenQ supply and any additional unopened bottles of PhenQ within 67 days of receiving the order.”
However, as per some PhenQ reviews Reddit and Trustpilot, the refund policy doesn’t work. In the defense, the PhenQ official have replied to the comments with the possible reasons behind these issues.
Sometimes, PhenQ fake reviews also create a ruckus. So, if there are issues, the best place to get assistance is the official chat support available on their website.
5 Things to Keep in Mind to Avoid PhenQ Scam
Avoid PhenQ scam by following these points while making a purchase.
- Make sure you are on the PhenQ official site only.
- If you end up on some duplicate site, take a closer look at the brand name. Most of the time, duplicate supplements use similar-looking font and names to practice fraud.
- Read the name and closely look at the brand logo before you buy it.
- Go through the ingredients list and the official price of the bottle as well. Do not fall for heavy discounts. Check the URL of the page you checkout on or fill in the payment details on.
- Enquire about the money-back guarantee as well. There are chances you may not get this add-on benefit when purchasing from a fraud seller.
It’s much more important than you think to go through detailed research before you decide to put something in your body.
Increasing scam rumors make it even harder to choose the right weight loss supplement. So, do your research and choose accordingly.
Final Call
Anyone on a weight loss journey knows it’s not a cakewalk. On top of that, so many weight loss supplements, all claiming to melt away stubborn body fat makes it harder to choose THE ONE.
This close-up look on PhenQ scam and its legitimacy must have given you a broader idea of this weight loss supplement.
Like every other supplement, PhenQ also has some pros and cons. However, questioning does PhenQ help you lose weight on the basis of scam rumors won’t be justified.
PhenQ continues to help many people lose weight. It has users from Australia, US, South Africa, India, and many other countries around the world.
Use it as instructed on the bottle, back it with the right routine, and you’re good to go. Only keep in mind the precautions.
If you have used this weight loss supplement, do let us know your verdict on how it worked out for you.
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