05 Feb 12 Key Differences Between RAD 140 vs Trenbolone Steroid
Tren and RAD 140 are the two most popular fitness supplements that considerably increase the overall potency of your body’s natural ability to put on muscle and shred fat mass.
- Both RAD 140 and Trenbolone are two different types of synthetic compounds known for increasing anabolic capacity.
- There are plenty of differences among both the RAD 140 and Tren like their working mechanism, benefits as well as side effects.
- There are also controversial facts to know about whether Tren can be a better alternative to SARM RAD 140.
Trenbolone is a popular steroid initially developed to increase muscle growth and appetite naturally. It is a synthetic anabolic steroid, belonging to the class of nandrolone and anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS).
On the other hand, RAD 140 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). They are mainly compounds developed to mimic the benefits of steroids without the side effects associated with traditional steroids.
Tren vs RAD 140
A briefing on the major differences:
- Tren targets hormones while RAD 140 targets the androgen receptors
- Both help in increasing muscle mass but Trenbolone may deliver results faster
- While Tren can affect the body’s metabolic rate, RAD 140 lags behind in this area
- Tren is not legal for use except when prescribed by a medical healthcare professional. Whereas, RAD 140 is legal only for research purposes in most countries.
- Tren will suppress your natural testosterone production while RAD 140 doesn’t have such effects.
Scroll down for many more differences between RAD 140 and Tren.
Tren vs RAD 140 – 12 Key Differences
RAD 140 is a SARM which is a class of compounds that selectively target androgen receptors in the body, affecting specific tissues like muscles.
Besides, Trenbolone is a steroid that potentially increases the anabolic activity of the body. Here is a closer view of Tren vs RAD 140 comparison.
1. Differences between How They Work
Being a steroid, Tren works by reducing glucocorticoid hormone levels, promoting muscle growth, and decreasing muscle breakdown. Furthermore, it can also stimulate red blood cell production which enhances oxygen delivery in the muscles to improve physical performance.
RAD 140, on the other hand, works by offering truly unique muscle superiority, along with an acceleration of muscle recovery. The synthetic drug selectively targets androgen receptors in the body to ensure testosterone availability in the body.
2. Muscle Growth
Trenbolone helps incredibly in enhancing muscle growth. Bodybuilders and fitness fanatics who have taken the steroid mentioned the same. Ensuring the optimum nutrient delivery in the muscles promotes better gains and visible muscle growth.
The SARM, RAD 140, has the remarkable ability to improve muscle growth in users. By selectively targeting androgen receptors in muscle tissue, the synthetic drug stimulates the muscle tissue for better growth.
Overall, Trenbolone could show better results in growing lean muscle mass. Preferring the steroid would be better if your goal is to pack on lean muscle.
3. Health Risks
Trenbolone is the strongest anabolic steroid that helps which is comparatively 5 times more effective in showing results. This eventually also increases its toxicity making it more risky to health and causing hazardous side effects.
RAD 140 is a SARM developed to mimic the benefits of steroids without copying their potential side effects. As per the manufacturer, it is safe to develop muscle that the user may be lost due to cancer.
Anabolic steroids, including Trenbolone, can have serious side effects, and the long-term effects of SARMS like RAD-140 are still being studied.
Horizon Clinics Doesn’t Recommend the Use of RAD 140 or Trenbolone Due to Life-Threatening Side Effects!
Our team has written a comparative review of CrazyBulk vs Brutal Force, the two most popular brands that offer legal steroid alternatives. You can check it out to know more about your options for bodybuilding supplementation.
4. Fat Loss
Studies have shown that Trenbolone also dramatically improves the body’s metabolic rate to burn off fat. It regulates the overall calorie expenditure while enhancing metabolic rate, and it creates a calorie deficit for active weight loss as well.
Testolone or RAD-140, one of the strongest SARMs, also supports fat loss. As per users’ claims and clinical trials, it aids in developing lean muscle mass while reducing fat mass from the body. However, there is no evidence of whether it affects body metabolism or not.
In the context of fat loss, Trenbolone is the winner here as it potentially enhances the body’s metabolic rate to boost fat loss.
5. Legality and Availability
When it comes to legality, Trenbolone is banned in a few countries to use it as an over-the-counter pill. It is a controlled substance and allowed to be used on the medical norms only. But bodybuilders and gym freaks mostly consume it through illicit practices.
RAD 140 or any SARM is banned all over the world for human use. As per experts, the anabolic effects of SARM RAD 140 are so strong the World Anti-doping Agency has banned any athletes from taking it before the competition. Additionally, it is also banned for human use as well.
No one is actually the winner here as consumption of both is illegal for bodybuilding purposes. Besides this, it would be better to rely on natural supplements only.
6. Anabolic Potency
Trenbolone and RAD-140 are known for their anabolic effects, but they differ in their mechanisms of action and the specificity of their actions. Anabolic potency refers to the ability of a substance to stimulate anabolism. It supports the process of building muscle and muscle regeneration as well.
Trenbolone is a traditional anabolic steroid that combines potent binding to androgen receptors, which shows its higher anabolic potency. RAD-140, on the other hand, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that selectively targets receptors in specific tissues.
All in all, in this aspect of Tren vs Rad 140, Trenbolone could be a preferable choice as it has maximum anabolic potency for sure.
7. Stamina
Along with increased muscle mass, Tren also heightens your strength and stamina to fuel workouts. Training ensures that you have enough stamina to push yourself beyond limits. Trenbolone is also a lot better than any other steroids at helps boost stamina and strength.
When combined with training, RAD 140 also increases stamina as well as strength. As per studies, it improves muscle-mind coordination while training helping them to get more focused muscle strength. Additionally, it helps to do heavy weights with more repetitions.
Overall, in this matter of RAD 140 vs Tren, both can be the best to combine in the diet.
8. Endurance
Comparing Trenbolone and RAD-140 (Testolone) in terms of endurance is complex because they have different mechanisms of action and are used for distinct purposes. Trenbolone is a developed steroid filled with potent toxicity that can affect cardiovascular health. This may reduce the overall endurance.
Since RAD-140 is more selective in its action on androgen receptors, it may provide benefits in terms of muscle endurance without some of the negative cardiovascular effects associated with traditional steroids.
Maybe while comparing till now, RAD 140 vs Tren, the SARM has got some positive side here.
9. Androgenic Side Effects
Anabolic steroids like Trenbolone may have some androgenic side effects due to having its steroidal properties. Some of the side effects users may experience include, oily skin, acne, seborrhea, increased facial/body hair growth, and accelerated scalp hair loss.
However, unlike traditional androgenic anabolic steroids, RAD 140 does not necessarily have androgenic side effects. Studies have shown that it does not have any androgenic side effects such as impaired fertility, acne, virilization, and prostate enlargement. However, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator affects liver.
Therefore, whether Tren or RAD 140, both have side effects.
10. Suppression of Natural Testosterone
One of the most common side effects of ingesting exogenous hormones. Trenbolone can suppress natural testosterone production which may cause other health complications in the users. In order to avoid potential hormonal imbalances it’s indeed to go for post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore normal testosterone levels.
RAD 140, on the flip side, doesn’t suppress natural testosterone production as much as the anabolic steroids do. Therefore, RAD 140 can be safe to some extent as it does not suppress the testicular as well.
Henceforth, RAD 140 could be the winner here as it does not affect the natural testosterone levels in the body.
11. Dosage and Administration
Considering the dosage, medically Tren Ace’s dosage can range from 50-150mg every other day. And if you’re considering its other variant, i.e., Tren enanthate doses are usually administered twice a week. Bodybuilders usually take Tren acetate for better anabolic gains.
Technically RAD140 is banned for human use all across the world. Also, it is not approved for human treatment yet. Therefore, there is no clinically approved RAD 140 Testolone dosage. However, bodybuilders usually take about 10mg/day or more to get good results.
There is no such winner here but since the SARMs side effects make it controlled or can be banned, it would be better to consider trenbolone.
12. Cycle Length
When it comes to the Tren cycle, there are two different variants of Tren users consume. These are Trenbolone enanthate and Trenbolone acetate. Traditionally bodybuilders consume Trenbolone acetate for their gains which they need to follow up a cycle for between 6 and 12 weeks in length. However, Trenbolone enanthate cycles typically last between 8 to 12 weeks.
And considering the fact that RAD 140 is banned for human use, there is no specific cycle that one should consider for gaining. Even though it’s controlled bodybuilders take it on a typical cycle length, i.e., between 8 to 12 weeks.
Overall, comparing RAD 140 vs Tren on all these parameters suggests that Trenbolone could be the winner here. It is effective, androgenic, has anabolic potency, and has significant health and bodybuilding benefits.
Considering anabolic steroids could be better to get better gains; however, there are some factors one should know while combining AAS like Tren in their plan. Let’s see whether it is safer than RAD 140.
Is Tren Safer Than RAD 140? (Testol 140) – Testol 140 Results
While comparing RAD 140 vs Tren, the aforementioned parameters confirms that the efficacy of TREN is way better than RAD 140. But when it comes to safety measures, you might get a different answer.
Yes, the SARM, RAD 140, turns out safer than the anabolic steroid, trenbolone.
But due to safety measures, it has been banned for human use, and it would be better to go with a safer and natural alternative to the SARM testolone RAD 140.
CrazyBulk Testol 140 is one of the significant testosterone-boosting pills that mimics the benefits of Testolone without any side effects. Manufacturers have claimed that it indeed is the best way to achieve beast-like testosterone without any junk.
As per users’ claims, the supplement is developed with natural components to deliver the best Testol 140 results. With skyrocketing T-levels, it ensure you to be more focused and driven while working out to get better gains.
Considering the legit alternative would definitely deliver the best results without being worried about the nasty sides. Now let’s recall the overall facts in a summary.
Wrapping Up
Indeed, the Tren vs RAD 140 comparative review shared why they are not the same and what factors make them different from each other. Both are controlled and banned for use in sports or any other athletic performance.
Therefore it would be better to rely on natural alternatives than indulging any synthetic supplement in the diet for better gains. They are formulated with natural ingredients making it a safer choice to take.
Even if you’re considering them, it’s crucial to emphasize that the use of these substances, especially for performance enhancement, should be approached with caution.
It would be better to consult a healthcare professional before considering the use of such compounds.
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