Salma Hayek Day and Night Time Skincare [Simple and Affordable]

Salma Hayek Skin Care

Salma Hayek Day and Night Time Skincare [Simple and Affordable]

We take an exclusive sneak peek into Salma Hayek’s skincare routine to reveal the secrets of her ageless skin. It’s more than genetics!

Most of us would agree how gracefully Salma Hayek has aged.

In spite of being 54 years old, she has managed to maintain the glow on her face.

In fact, Salma Hayek skin care routine has gained quite a buzz recently.

The stunning skin health of the 54-year-old is actually giving us a major inspo…

Her firm, flawless, and naturally glowing skin makes it hard to believe her biological age.

What’s the secret, though?

Regardless of being a popular actress, she hasn’t gone for the cosmetic fix.

The popular Hollywood options, botox, fillers, and thousand-dollar face creams are just not her types.

It’s actually Salma Hayek Skin Care Routine that keeps accentuating her natural beauty.

Here’s what she has to say about it…

I think that my beauty routine, and how I see beauty is from what I’ve learned from my grandmother, It made me realize that there are things that were not out there because [most brands] go by trends. There are things that are really good that are pushed to the side just because they’re trying too hard to sell you the new thing to always create some kind of event.

In other words, she shuns the recommended over-cleansing and exfoliating. Instead her favorite are natural ingredients like coconut oil.

What’s most surprising is her interest in good old-fashioned massage. 

She keeps switching her skincare routine as per daily requirements.

My routine alters, it varies with how my skin wakes up,” she told The Cut.

So, what’s Salma Hayek Skin Care Secrets and daily routine?

Let’s dive in to get into details…


Salma Hayek Skin Care: Morning Routine

First and foremost, let’s look at what her morning routine looks like.

This would provide you with an idea to get started if you want similar results.

#1: Cleanser

She Never Cleans Her Face in the Morning. NEVER!

Here’s her opinion.

I don’t wash my face in the morning—never, never, never. I never wash my face in the morning, I think it’s bad for your skin—I just moisturize. My grandmother taught me that at night your skin replenishes all the things you lost during the day. Also, if I cleanse very well at night, why would it be dirty when I wake up? It’s for companies to have you use more products.

#2: Face Mist

She applies a bit of rose water to her face. It revives your skin while being a gentle wake-up call.

#3: Moisturizer

She begins with Nuance Am/Pm Anti-Aging Super Cream.

Well, the main ingredient of the special product is the bark of a tree used in Mexican hospitals for burn victims. 

It has surprising skin regeneration effects.

According to her, the companies suggest you wash your face more because they want to sell more creams.

The idea behind creating Nuance Am/Pm Anti-Aging Super Cream was to develop the best formula at an affordable price.

She further adds:

“I can purchase any cream worth $1000 or more. Still, it’s this that I used. People have their secrets. Of course, this is mine.”

#4: Face Oil

She has oil in her Nuance Beauty line.

In fact, it is a prominent part of Salma Hayek Face Treatment.

When her skin feels a bit dry, she mixes it with the Glow Facial Oil with the AM/PM Cream and applies it over.

#5: Neck Cream

The inspiration came when she noticed the beginnings of a turkey neck. For assurance, she asked her makeup artist, who confirmed. 

Thus, she began using serum from her Nuance beauty range all over her neck.

Surprisingly, the effects were so surreal, they vanished in just 2 weeks.

However, a bit of it is left, but with regular serum application, she keeps it under control.

#6: Lip Balm

For lips, she is fond of a Sisley lip balm. She keeps it in her purse and applies it whenever it is necessary.

#7. Sunscreen

She is completely against SPF. She says SPF has its own good, but it is more like a big mistake in creams and makeup.

While many consider sunscreen to prevent sunburn and blisters, she doesn’t do sunscreen if she isn’t out for the whole day.

The reason is simple, the chemicals present in such cosmetic products aren’t good for your skin health. Don’t use it unless you really need it.

She was quoted saying:

Salma Hayek Skincare

I don’t do sunscreen unless I’m going to be out in the sun all day. Why? I don’t think the chemicals in sunscreen are good for your skin. I believe in using it when you need it. Ninety percent of the time, you don’t need it because you are working in an office indoors. Or you are going out at night.

Interestingly, most of the products here belong to Salma Hayek Skin Care Line.

Plus, apparently, she likes going the minimalist route and not overdoing it.


Salma Hayek Nighttime Skincare Routine

Like the day routine, Salma Hayek Skin Care Routine for the night holds equal importance for her skin health.

It begins with the application of a makeup remover.

#1: Makeup Remover

Rather than using a chemical-filled makeup remover, she uses coconut oil. It’s easier and convenient, and the best part is it’s natural.

#2: Face Mist

After getting her makeup off, she uses rose water to remove the residuals.

Also, you can use a hot towel with rose water. However, you have to microwave the wet towel for a little steam. 

#3: Cleanser

She usually uses the chamomile cleanser from Nuance for the final cleansing. When it’s done, she splashes a bit of cold water.

#4: Face Mask

She uses an edible mask containing Juice Generation and hibiscus.

With a constant nagging issue of swelling due to traveling, it appears as an effective solution. 

Application of the smoothie revives her skin and removes the irritation.

The instant visible results are smoothness, better texture, and tightening.

Her grandmother believed in natural ingredients. In fact, Salma considers her as a witch doctor, a cosmetologist.

While she had breakfast, her grandma would pick the leftover papaya, yogurt, honey, nuts and blend them all.

She would apply the final mixture on her face. In fact, she used to think everyone puts on a mask or leftovers.

#5: Exfoliator

Interestingly, the present and Salma Hayek Skin Care 2011 routines are the same.

She doesn’t recommend an over-the-top abrasive exfoliator. 

In fact, she suggests using a little bit of oatmeal or almond milk and honey.

Let them soak; they function as a good cleanser and make your skin softer.

Excessive exfoliation isn’t good for your skin anyways. In the short term, you might find it working.

However, in the long run, it does unimaginable harm to your skin.

#6: Serum

Salma Hayek Skin Care Routine for the night involves the application of a mix of serums and oils.

#7: Face Oil

According to Hayek, the night isn’t the time for too many products. The reason is simple, your skin does its job perfectly. 

Indeed, it repairs itself of the day’s damage overnight. 

I only use face oil at night when I am unable to get enough sleep,” Salma Hayek quoted.

Still, the skin repairs itself overnight, leaving you with super clean and smooth skin the day after.

However, the secret is never to wash your skin in the morning.


Salma Hayek Skin Care Treatments

Now, let’s look at the skincare treatment giving the 54-year-old younger-looking lustrous skin.

#1: Face Mask

Salma travels a lot, which makes her skin really dry.

Thus, she uses La Mer The Hydrating Facial. 

She finds it working, and the mask has amazing moisturizing and conditioning effects.

Not only it helps fight off the dryness but also smooths your skin. Well, she finds it best for a night flight.

#2: Self-Tanner

She suggests using a self-tanner on the condition that it doesn’t stink.

#3: Facials

According to Hayek, the best thing to keep your skin toned is massage. Not only does it improve blood circulation but also helps to rejuvenate your skin. 

Surprisingly, she hires a Japanese woman from Tokyo, Mikiko.

She arrives in London and Paris for appointments four times a year only.

It’s tough for her to get in, but she somehow does. She is Salma Hayak’s secret weapon, so to speak.

Her technique needs the help of four hands. Actually, there are people working on you, massaging your face. 

Nonetheless, the final outcome of the ‘eee’ and ‘ahh’ is worth it. When she is done, you can see a visible difference.

#4: Cosmetic Procedures

She has never done botox. In fact, she is a firm believer in natural things.

When you are performing exercises and workouts, you notice a difference in your muscle and skin tone. 

Obviously, it’s the result of oxygenation and circulation helping you immediately revive your skin.

Botox kills your muscle making your skin paralyzed, and your face can’t even move properly. This is taking you nowhere.  You might see instant results. However, it’s going to make you age faster.

Ultimately, you are at a loss from both sides.

Evidently, Hayek’s skincare routine holds a lot of importance in helping maintain a flawless look.

However, that’s not to say that she just takes care from the outside. 

In fact, on the contrary, she also takes good care of her diet and exercise routine to maintain a youthful look. 


Salma Hayek Flawless Skin Care Routine Does Include a Healthy Lifestyle!

After the complete discussion on Salma Hayek Skincare routine, it’s time we have a glance over her diet, exercise, and lifestyle. 

So, let’s start…

#1: Salma Hayek Diet

She is a bit chubby because she is fond of food and wine.

Of course, it isn’t about just fashion but is good for her mood. She is happy because she eats.

She doesn’t have Botox because of the same reason.

Hayek usually eats a lot of fat, veggies, and everything healthy possible. 

On top of that, she exercises.

If you aren’t eating enough and performing well, skincare won’t help out anyways.

It pays off in terms of good skin health for her happiness comes from within and under her definition of beauty. She is happy with other definitions of beauty as well.

She has good fat, a lot of them. It’s essential for her, so she prepares a bone broth as well. She says it’s food for your health and provides you with collagen. 

While some people are afraid of fat, it’s your skin’s best friend that can do better than you think for your skin in the long run.

#2: Salma Hayek Exercise

Chad Dennis, her fitness trainer, is a good teacher. She loves performing beyond what her body and face are able to.

When it comes to health, society puts excessive pressure on women. However, you should rather focus on your health. 

Of course, being overweight isn’t good for your health. Being underweight has somewhat similar effects.

Thus, finding a good balance is the best way to get the most out of your workouts. Try not to aim at a specific weight rather focus on what’s good for your health.

So, this was the complete Salma Hayek Skin Care Routine. 

Needless to say, following it completely is a tough job.

Getting started slowly and gradually will help at last. 

One of the best things about Salma Hayek’s skincare routine is her love for natural things.

This is what has given her such amazing skin. 

So, what do you think? What’s your skincare secret, and do you agree with Salma’s ideology of skincare?

We await your response in the comments box down below!

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Horizon Clinics

At Horizon Clinics, we help you decode the solutions to your micro-health battles. Our in-depth and practical guides cover everything from diet plans, weight loss, workouts, and bodybuilding to issues of mental health.

  • Linda West
    Posted at 14:32h, 02 September Reply

    Since CVS has discontinued the Selma Hayek line Naunace, where can I purchase it now

    • Horizon Clinics
      Posted at 11:11h, 17 September Reply

      You can shop some of the products from the Nuance line on Amazon and Walmart, Linda.

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