13 Sep Comparing Tai Chi vs Yoga vs Pilates | 5 Factors to Consider
Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates – the OG of Mind Body Soul Exercise.
Yoga, tai chi, and Pilates are related. They all belong to the family of calisthenics which basically are free-body stretches.
All three of them are low-impact exercises that can be performed by anyone irrespective of their age.
However, each has its own primary benefit which makes one different from the other. While yoga is good for mental health and everyday stretching, pilates benefits the core, and tai chi improves balance.
Therefore, when it comes to tai chi vs yoga vs pilates, they are same-same but different. But how do you know which one is the right pick for you?
To incorporate any of these into your lifestyle, it’s crucial you know the basic difference between them.
What is Tai Chi?
Tai Chi means “Grand Ultimate” in English.
It originated in the 13th century and was developed as martial arts. It is a great non-impact exercise that makes the performer analyze and feel the alignment of their posture through slow movements.
This centuries-old Chinese martial art involves the movement of slow, rhythmic, and meditative flowy body movements.
Tai chi, as a result, enhances inner peace, relaxation, and physical balance.
Further, there are numerous different types of tai chi that you can perform. Three of the most common ones are as follows.
#1. Yang Style
Yang’s style of tai chi was founded by yang Lu-Ch’an. It is among the most popular tai chi styles which are widely practiced across the globe.
The yang style includes 108 movements in the traditional and 24 in the simpler form. This style of tai chi focuses more on improving flexibility.
As a result, out of all the different types, yang is ideal for people of all ages and different fitness levels.
#2. Wu Style
Wu is another popular version of tai chi founded by Wu Ch’uan-you.
This form of tai chi includes 100 movements in traditional and 24-36 in the simpler form which focuses on balancing.
It requires the body to extend and lean forward and backward while standing in a centered position. As a result, it is highly effective in improving balance.
#3. Chen Style
Chen is the oldest and original form of tai chi. It is a combination of 20 slow and quick movements which includes jumping, striking, and kicking.
No matter which one choose you are certainly going to get benefited from these graceful movements.
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a traditional spiritual, physical, and mental practice that originated in ancient India. Around 400 C.E Patanjali defined yoga as the quieting of the mind fluctuations.
Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means to unite. This simply says everything about it. To elaborate, yoga is practiced to connect the body, mind, and spirit.
This is the true definition and, in this way, the true representation of mind, body, and soul exercise.
Further, while many may link yoga with stretching and strengthening poses, yoga is more than just poses.
The positive effects of yoga are now witnessed at a wider level even by the people in the west. This traditional tool transforms the entire body along with the mind leading to a better life.
It’s important to realize, that yoga is much deeper than you can think. Yoga has 8 limbs and 4 traditional paths.
These 8 limbs improve integrity and self-discipline. It includes:
- Yamas
- Niyamas
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Pratyahara
- Dharana
- Dhyan
- Samadhi
The 4 traditional paths of yoga are:
- Bhakti (Devotion)
- Karma (Service/action)
- Jnana (Knowledge)
- Raja (Self-discipline)
In fact, scientific studies have approved the effectiveness of yoga in improving the quality of life.
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a low-impact overall workout that was developed by Joseph H. Pilates. He developed this exercise when he was ill to build his strength.
Later, he used it when he interned in World War I to help his fellow soldiers maintain their health.
Although it recently gained momentum, Pilates was in practice for decades. In fact, apart from using props and machines, exercises like clamshells, and kicks are still the same.
Pilates method of workout includes 500 different movements. These movements are performed on 5 unique machines or on the mat without any machine.
Notably, every session of Pilates is tailor-made keeping in mind the need and requirements of the people.
Performing Pilates focuses more on strength and stability around the core area.
According to a 2019 study published in The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 90 people practiced Pilates for 1 hour every 3 days a week for 8 weeks. As a result, their scores on balancing, mobility, and stability were comparatively more than those who performed or did not exercise at all.
Therefore, when it comes to Pilates vs yoga in terms of mobility and Pilates seems to be a step ahead.
These 3 low-impact exercises have great overall health benefits with slow bodily movements.
Pilates, yoga and tai chi work on the core with the help of body weight exercises, and also their concentrated movements impact cognitive well-being as well.
Nonetheless, there do exist differences that become the base for the practitioner to choose one over the other.
Tai Chi vs Yoga vs Pilates – 5 Factors for Differences
yoga vs tai chi vs Pilates – with their slow movements and poses it may seem similar to many. However, the truth is quite different.
One can make a clear distinction between pilates vs yoga vs tai chi on the basis of the different factors. Some of them are mentioned here:
#1. On the Basis of Performance
The basic distinction between yoga vs pilates vs tai chi can be done on the basis of how it is performed.
Yoga can be simply performed on a mat both indoors and outdoors. When accompanied by meditation, yoga delivers effective results when practiced in a quiet environment.
Not to mention, earlier, yoga was practiced alone. However, the westernization of yoga leads to group yoga classes.
Talking about Tai Chi, it is mostly a combination of slow movements. Still, it is a martial art and some of its variations require jumping and kicking, therefore, it should be performed outdoors.
Pilates, on the other hand, can be done both with and without machines.
That is to say, there are special machines that are specifically designed to perform Pilates. However, it also includes some variations that can be done on the mat alone.
#2. On the Basis of Benefits
Making a distinction between tai chi vs yoga vs pilates on the basis of benefits is much more important.
Talking about tai chi is popularly known for improving balance. It also reduces the risk of falling as you age by improving the muscle strength, mobility, and flexibility of your legs.
Whereas, yoga can improve the flexibility of the entire body. It also has a positive effect on both mental and physical health both.
For instance, yoga is proven to have benefits on cardiovascular health, to reduce mental stress and physical pain. In fact, yoga is more widely accepted to treat age-old pains and other health issues in the west.
Pilates, on the other hand, can drastically improve the flexibility of the legs. It helps attain good posture and also helps achieve a flat abdomen.
ALSO READ: Yoga Asanas for Back Pain
#3. On the Basis of Who Can Benefit
Yoga is beneficial for people of all age groups. From kids to adults to the elderly everyone can get benefits by performing yoga asanas.
Talking about Tai Chi, it is also advisable for people of all ages. Additionally, it is great for older people who can’t do complex poses or fast exercises.
When it comes to Pilates, is best for adults or middle-aged people. This is because it involves specific machines in certain variations.
#4. On the Basis of When to Do
Be it children, adults, or the elderly one can practice yoga every day. Doing yoga every day has overall health benefits in comparison to any other workout. Yoga recharges your body and rejuvenates your mind as well.
Regarding when to do it, you can do yoga any time of the day. In fact, different types of bedtime yoga benefit sleep. Hence, it depends on the benefits you want to extract.
On the other hand, the best time to perform tai chi is dawn. People still perform Tai Chi shortly after waking up. However, some like to practice it before going to sleep.
This form of low-impact exercise relaxes your mind. Therefore, it is best to perform just before sleeping or after waking up.
Talking about pilates, although morning time delivers better benefits, as per research, performing it during different times of the day delivers different benefits.
For instance, performing it during the morning is best for losing weight or burning fat. Whereas, performing it during the afternoon helped those with type 2 diabetes.
#5. On The Basis of How to Start
This is the final and most important factor. People are often ready with a plan and everything but they don’t know how to make the start.
On the basis of how to start, the simplest one out of tai chi vs yoga vs pilates is yoga. You can either do it by following the DVDs, tv programs, or audio instructions.
However, if you want personal guidance there are yoga studios and professionals who can guide you well.
Whereas Pilates at times requires machines. Hence, it’s advisable to take the help of studios and professionals only.
Talking about Tai chi must be performed only under the guidance of certified professionals. Personal instructors are also available who can help you improve your performance.
If you’re someone who finds it difficult to do exercises alone on their own, it is recommended to take classes. Professional instructors can guide you to choose the right variation depending on your needs.
However, if you want to begin yourself, it’s vital to consider a few things before you choose the right one.
Yoga or Pilates or Tai Chi: What to Consider Before you Choose One?
In order to make the decision between which one to incorporate into your lifestyle between yoga vs tai chi vs pilates, one must consider a few things.
#1. Your age: While everyone can do yoga, not everyone can do pilates. It is, therefore, better to pick the exercise more suitable for your age.
#2. Your Requirement: After considering the age factor, make your decision on the basis of what benefits you want to witness. If you want to work on your balance, go for tai chi. But if you want to improve mental peace along with health benefits, you can try yoga. Whereas, pilates is excellent for leg and core strength.
#3. Your Stamina: Yoga and Tai chi require less of your physical strength and more of your mental strength. However, Pilates even though can be performed without machines, requires abdominal strength to enhance your core.
#4. Your Results: if you want instant improvement in your core strength, it’s better to go for pilates than yoga. Likewise, if want to improve balance and flexibility, pick tai chi.
The time you spent on the chosen exercise is up to you. Most of the time people start with the beginner level to introduce t to their bodies.
It is also the best way to start something new. You can always increase the pace gradually as per the need and requirement.
In Essence
All in all not many will get the difference between tai chi vs yoga vs pilates at first.
Nevertheless, if you peel it, you’ll get the layers. Be it yoga, tai chi, or pilates; each has its own benefits. But choosing one entirely depends on your requirements.
Most importantly, the intensity of benefits you get depends on how disciplined and detailed your execution is.
So no matter how long you are doing if you aren’t doing it right the results will be barely seen. Hence, committing to the exercise will all your heart and soul.
Remember yoga, tai chi, and pilates can be tiring but don’t forget to have fun and enjoy.
Beware though, these kinds of exercises can get you addicted to them!
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