17 May CrazyBulk Testol 140 Reviews (Legal Testolone RAD 140) | Results
Crazy Bulk Testol 140 is a powerful supplement designed to mimic Testolone RAD 140.
Testol 140 is a legal SARM alternative that happens to deliver strength and energy gains. It is the brainchild of Crazy Bulk and has been recently launched in the supplement market.
If you don’t know, CrazyBulk is the granddaddy of health supplements and a much-trusted brand by professionals.
It has endorsements from professional builders including Chris Tripp and Randy Smith.
Crazy Bulk keeps coming up with innovative products to provide maximum satisfaction to its consumers.
Thereupon, it has come up with Testol 140.
CrazyBulk Testol 140 is the natural and legal Testolone RAD 140 alternative.
It helps in boosting testosterone levels and elevates your energy and stamina. For this, it uses natural ingredients and extracts.
CrazyBulk Testol 140 results reviews are all about how effective are its results (more about it later).
But before getting into the details of Testol 140, let’s first have an overview of Crazy Bulk SARMs and why you need them.
Crazy Bulk SARMs Review
For many years, people have been using SARMs to boost performance and build muscles.
Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARMs belong to the class of androgen receptors ligands.
Steroidal SARMs are normally designed to have the same effect as testosterone.
As a result, these are extensively used by doping athletes to increase their performance.
It stimulates anabolism and hence, affects muscle mass, energy, and muscle recovery.
The bad news?
Synthetic SARMs have detrimental effects as well and are also banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
Testolone Rad 140 is a popular SARM, which was used to build muscle strength, mass, and gain bulk.
However, due to SARMs getting banned, most pro athletes and bodybuilders now look for legal alternatives.
As a result, we have Crazy Bulk SARMs.
CrazyBulk legal SARMs are the leading SARMs alternatives in the market right now.
Not only they are crafted under scientific guidance but also have natural ingredients.
Additionally, CrazyBulk legal SARMs collection is a group of 6 SARMs alternatives. One of them is CrazyBulk Testol 140.
Let’s know a little more about CrazyBulk Testol 140.
What is CrazyBulk Testol 140?
CrazyBulk Testol 140 is the legal and safe alternative to the leading SARM, Testolone RAD 140.
Its primary goal is to attain major muscle gains and help reveal lean muscle mass.
It works by binding to the androgen receptors present in the muscle mass. The CrazyBulk Testol 140 ingredients encourage muscle growth and bone strength.
Moreover, not only the CrazyBulk SARM is legal, but it also delivers the same Testolone results without the typical TESTOLONE RAD 140 side effects.
Well, this calls for a quick comparison between Testol 140 by CrazyBulk and Testolone RAD 140.
Crazy Bulk Testol 140 vs Testolone RAD 140 – Comparison
CrazyBulk Testol 140 reviews and results frequently mention it to be better at delivering the rad 140 Testolone results to men looking for safe muscle growth.
Here’s a quick comparison to let you know what makes CrazyBulk Testol 140 different from Testolone SARMS.
CrazyBulk Testol 140
- Safe and Legal
- Undetectable in tests
- Non-Toxic
- Non-addictive
- No known side effects
Testolone RAD 140
- Illegal and banned for human consumption
- Detectable by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency)
- Toxic to liver
- Very Addictive
- Severe health side effects
Interestingly, it’s quite evident that CrazyBulk SARM Testol 140 rules out all the negative effects of RAD 140 Testolone.
But the question you need to ask is what really makes it deliver the RAD 140 results without the side effects?
It’s none other than the concoction of its ingredients that’s free of synthetic fillers and hormones.
Why Testol 140 is Better Than RAD 140?
Gone are those days when you have to rely on synthetic steroids and SARMs to achieve your peak physical performance. Now we have the availability of products like Testol 140 that can be used as a replacement for the famous SARM, RAD140.
This dietary supplement is better than RAD 140 in five different ways:
1. Natural Ingredients
The best part of using CrazyBulk Testol 140 is it is made with 100% natural ingredients rather than synthetic selective androgen receptor modulators like RAD 140.
All the ingredients present in Testol 140 are scientifically backed to have bodybuilding properties similar to SARM RAD 140. Simply put, it mimics the properties of RAD 140 with the power of natural ingredients.
2. Legality
People use RAD 140 because it is believed to be less harmful than steroids. RAD 140 Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) is also banned for human use.
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) have made RAD 140 illegal to use, which is not the case with Testol 140. You don’t get in trouble with the law to use this natural dietary supplement.
3. Side Effects
Another reason to use Testol 140 over RAD 140 is the negative effects of the SARM. RAD 140 is considered less harmful than steroids, but, in reality, Testolone (RAD 140) is not free from side effects either. Health experts believe that long-term use of RAD 140 can lead to side effects like heart attack and liver injury.
Whereas, Testol 140 is free from such side effects. Its manufacturer claims that this natural dietary supplement is legal and has no major side effects.
4. Elevates Mood
Achieving peak physical performance is not everyone’s cup of tea. It takes a toll on your mental health. However, Testol 140 can help balance your mood as it has ingredients like ashwagandha that are known for relieving stress.
On the other hand, the SARM RAD 140 doesn’t have these types of benefits. In fact, some RAD 140 users have claimed to experience more aggression and irritability.
5. Money Back Guarantee
The manufacturer of Testol 140 has so much confidence in their product that they have backed it with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
You just have to contact their customer care under 60 days, and you will get your whole money back. But with a RAD 140 purchase, you will not be able to get this offer as there are no legal sellers for this SARM when it’s intended for human consumption.
CrazyBulk Testol 140 Ingredients
TESTOL 140 (TESTOLONE RAD 140) is a creative blend of 8 completely natural ingredients.
The CrazyBulk Testol 140 blend includes electrolytes, vitamins, and herb extracts in proven quantity.
Thus, these ingredients have the most to do with delivering the best RAD 140 results.
#1. Ingredient: Magnesium
Quantity: 375 mg
Magnesium is one of those minerals that every cell in your body needs. Around 300 metabolic features need it, and it is also crucial for nerve operation, regulating muscles, and blood sugar ranges.
Besides, around 60% of the magnesium occurs within the bone. Whereas, the rest 39% is in soft tissues, muscles, and fluids including blood.
Adding to it, magnesium is a cofactor when it comes to increasing energy, metabolism, cell growth, and protein synthesis.
As per evidence, the survey of athletes reveals the importance of magnesium in promoting strength. The survey measured the Energy intake and nutrients of male athletes.
It includes mainly elite male basketball, handball, and volleyball players. As result. it, magnesium was directly associated with maximal isometric trunk flexion, handgrip, and rotation.
#2. Ingredient: Zinc
Quantity: 10 mg
If willing to increase strength and energy along with bulk, it’s important you have enough zinc in your body.
Zinc not only works with your immune system and improves muscle recovery but also speeds up muscle protein synthesis.
Not to mention, zinc is an important component in testosterone production.
The lack of testosterone can take a toll on sexual life and also affects muscles and strength.
Hence, zinc in Crazybulk Testol 140 for strength and energy makes sense.
According to the study, in men, severe and moderate zinc deficiency is related to hypogonadism.
The research cross-sectionally studied 40 normal men, 20 to 80 years of age. It took place to find the relationship between cellular zinc concentrations and serum testosterone.
In the end, the study depicts that zinc supplementation in marginally deficient normal elderly men can increase serum testosterone. Something you can expect after using Testol 140.
#3. Ingredient: Vitamin B6
Quantity: 1.4 mg
Not many people know about the benefits of vitamin B6 for muscle gain.
Notably, vitamin B6 helps absorb amino acids better. To elaborate, without vitamin B6 most of the protein gets wasted which could, with the help of vitamin B6, convert into muscles.
As a result, vitamin B6 assists with muscle restoration.
Not to mention, it also helps with the production of RBCs, facilitates efficient energy use, and maintains healthy nitric oxide levels.
As per the evidence, vitamin B6 is majorly involved in more than 140 metabolic reactions in the cell.
Adding to it, several types of research show the effects of vitamin B6 on enzyme induction by steroid hormones.
These steroid hormone receptors regulate physiological processes. These processes include growth, behavior, development, and production.
#4. Ingredient: Vitamin D3
Quantity: 5mcg
Vitamin D3 benefits have no limits when it comes to bodybuilding.
It’s essential for strong bones and muscle tissues, improved immunity, and better coronary heart operation.
Interestingly, vitamin D3 assists in better absorption of calcium. This, in turn, strengthens the bones.
Also, Vitamin D gets converted into steroid hormones which makes sense for how it helps muscle tissues.
Adding to it, vitamin D3 is also of great help in reducing inflammation and boosting testosterone.
All the above points are enough to justify the involvement of vitamin D3 in Testol 140.
It also shows how these ingredients make CrazyBulk Testol 140 the appropriate substitute for Testolone RAD 140.
The study findings suggest sufficient vitamin D levels may prevent injuries.
Also, as mentioned in the study, around 80% of the vitamin in the body is utilized through the autocrine pathway.
This pathway is essentially responsible for synthesizing proteins, hormone synthesis, cell turnover and synthesis, and immune response.
The research also specifies vitamin D’s influence on skeletal function.
The evidence regarding muscle tissue and function suggests supplementation of vitamin D in those with low vitamin D status. It can help improve muscle strength. It can also prevent injury and thus influence athletic performance.
#5. Ingredient: Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Quantity: 1200 mg
CLA or Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a fat-burning ingredient and also has a positive effect on lean mass. As a result, it is of great help in maintaining strong muscle metabolism.
CLA is popularly known to have a potential improvement in body composition and muscle efficiency.
Not to mention, with its ability to promote muscle growth and reduce fat, it affects the workout, athletic performance, and general health.
Additionally, it is also known to stimulate testosterone and human growth hormones. These two hormones are vital for muscle and strength building.
A study published in The Journal of Nutrition investigated the relationship between CLA and the body fat mass of humans. This randomized double-blind study included 60 overweight obese volunteers. The subjects were further divided into 5 groups.
The groups received a placebo (9 g olive oil), 1.7, 3.4, 5.1, or 6.8 g conjugated linoleic acid per day for 12 weeks.
47 subjects completed the study and, as a result, there was a higher reduction in body fat mass in the CLA group.
#6. Ingredient: Fenugreek
Quantity: 400mg
Fenugreek does show a drastic effect on testosterone levels. It is because of this reason; that fenugreek is among the ingredients of most testosterone boosters.
It is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and triterpenoid saponins. All these ingredients work together to promote energy, metabolism, and muscle recovery.
This study evaluates the effect of fenugreek supplementation on body strength and composition.
For this, 49 resistance-trained men participated in the study. The participants were then matched according to their body weight.
Furthermore, they were randomly suggested to consume capsules of 500 mg placebo or fenugreek.
Additionally, subjects also participated in a 4-day per week supervised resistance training for a total of 8 weeks.
The study concluded supplementation of 500 mg of proprietary fenugreek extraction has a significant effect on upper and lower body composition and strength.
#7. Ingredient: KSM 66 Ashwagandha
Quantity: 300 mg
KSM ashwagandha is a remarkable herb and is traditionally known to have numerous health benefits.
It decreases stress, boosts muscle mass, and develops mental clarity and focus. All of this has a significant contribution to improving strength and energy.
Decreased stress impacts your testosterone production and mental stability and lets you work more effectively. As a result, you have a better overall physique.
Not to mention, ashwagandha is also known to lower cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood glucose level.
The study examines the possible effects of ashwagandha root extract consumption on muscle mass and strength.
For this, 57 young men engaged in resistance training were critically analyzed for 8 weeks. The subjects were randomized into treatment and placebo groups.
In the end, the study reports, that the Withania Somnifera (ashwagandha) supplementation is associated with a significant increase in muscle mass and strength.
#8. Ingredient: SENACTIV® Extract
Quantity: 50mg
SENACTIV® is a combination of Notoginseng root (Panax nothooting, aka san-chi ginseng) and rose hips. It is also a patented ingredient.
Its unique formula reduces muscle soreness and inflammation.
It’s designed to produce more energy and hurry up the muscle restoration process. Undoubtedly, it is an effective way to lead a healthy lifestyle along with muscle recovery.
A single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study took place on 32 subjects. The study continued for 12 weeks.
The study results recorded a significant decrease in Abdominal total fat area, abdominal visceral fat area, body weight, and body mass index.
Furthermore, there’s another study that concluded rosehip prevents weight gain and encourages the browning of white adipose tissue.
All these CrazyBulk Testol 140 ingredients make the legal supplement a perfect fit for premium strength and energy-boosting supplements.
These ingredients work in harmony to deliver similar rad 140 effects without side effects. Its mechanism improves muscle and mass power.
How Does CrazyBulk Testol 140 Work?
Testol 140 mimics the rapid muscle gains same as taking rad 140.
With its potent ingredients, it helps protect lean mass, lose fat, and recover faster.
Considering its composition, Testol 140 works in 3 primary ways:
#1. Improving the testosterone synthesis
#2. Channelizing better physique response to exercise-induced stress
#3. Stimulating Fat-Oxidation
To elaborate, with its ingredients like ashwagandha and fenugreek, Testol 140 improves testosterone synthesis.
Testosterone, being the male sex hormone, is primarily responsible for muscle gain, strength, and endurance. As a result, improving the synthesis of testosterone can improve the Testol 140 results.
In the same fashion, when it comes to fat burning, ingredients like Conjugated Linoleic Acid, and fenugreek proves to be of great help.
All these substances break down fat, release energy, and improve performance.
RAD 140 results before and after might catch your attention, but only Testol 140 results can satisfy your goals. Here’s what the users had to say after they used the formula.
Testol 140 Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Only users can tell you the efficiency of the product. The same is the case with Testol 140.
Fortunately, Testol 140 customers have found the results impressive.
#1. Scott A.
Raleigh, NC
After using it for a month, I can see it helped men cut out. Thankfully, it is clean and doesn’t cause any stomach cramps. It’s indeed a great formula.
#2. Malcolm D.
Phoenix, AZ
I’m 37 so naturally, I was running on low T. I was always tired. However, when I started using Testol 140, I could see changes in my stamina and energy. The muscle definition was also visible.
#3. Jay T.
Los Angeles, CA
CrazyBulk Testol 140 results were great for me. My mood was better and my energy also lasted longer. I genuinely felt incredible while using it.
After using CrazyBulk TESTOL 140, the natural Testolone alternative, some common benefits were witnessed by these users.
Testol 140 Results
1. There was a quick increase in the strength. In fact, some users saw a significant increase in their strength and stamina as early as 2 weeks.
TESTOL 140 users were able to lift heavier weights and work for extended hours without feeling as exhausted as they used to be earlier.
2. Lean and hard muscle gains were no less than a boon. This is the original benefit of Testolone SARMs and Crazy Bulk TESTOL 140 successfully delivers it without any severe side effects.
Its muscle-hardening effects gave the users a lean and attractive physique after the cutting phase.
3. As per what the users felt after using Crazy Bulk TESTOL 140, there was a boost in metabolism, an increase in fat loss, and better muscle repair. These factors are usually the result of efficient protein synthesis.
Notably, Crazy Bulk TESTOL 140 includes vitamin B6, D3, magnesium, zinc, and conjugated Linoleic acid, along with other ingredients, all of which help in improving protein synthesis.
In fact, research proves zinc deficiency as well as lack of Vitamin D affect protein synthesis and muscle cell markers.
As per a study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, vitamin D deficiency in old rats led to an increase in adiposity, resulting in reduced muscle protein synthesis. Later these disorders were improved with the supplementation of Vitamin D.
Clearly, the lack of certain nutrients can affect the body’s muscle-building ability to synthesize protein, even if you’re on a high-protein diet plan. Thus, Testol 140 helps banish these deficiencies to support proper protein synthesis, resulting in the results we just mentioned.
4. Lastly, the users felt more productive and present both mentally and physically. While earlier they were able to perform physically, their focus and mental strength were out of track.
However, after including TESTOL 140 by Crazy Bulk, there was a visible difference in focus and attention and its results were clear as well.
5. Talking about side effects there were no severe impacts on health. However, some users felt dizzy, full, and uneasy for the first few days.
Clearly, CrazyBulk Testol 140 results and reviews are more than convincing.
It does deliver the RAD 140 SARM results but is way safer and more effective. All you have to do is consume it as recommended.
How to Take CrazyBulk TESTOL 140 (Legal TESTOLONE RAD 140)?
No matter what ingredients your product contains, or what brand of supplement you use, unless you use it in the right manner, there’s no way you are going to get results.
For this reason, it becomes vital to know all about Crazybulk Testol 140 dosage and the way to consume it.
- All you have to do is take 4 easy-to-swallow Testol 140 capsules with a glass of water.
- Make sure you consume it at least 30-45 minutes before indulging in weight lifting.
- You can take the dosage after having a pre-workout meal. Or if you wish, you can take it on an empty stomach as well as long as the gap between the intake and your lifting session is about 30-45 minutes.
The natural anabolic energy will let you feel the instant upsurge in power and rush.
If you’re going to take CrazyBulk Testol 140, it’s important to follow the dosage. Not doing so or overdosing is strictly not advisable due to the chances of side effects.
With that, we must also explore if any user noticed some real side effects of CrazyBulk Testol 140 or if it was perfectly safe.
Possible Side Effects of CrazyBulk Testol 140
The characteristic feature of CrazyBulk Testol 140 differs from Testolone RAD 140. So, there shouldn’t be any major side effects in theory.
Plus, there are no known or recorded CrazyBulk Testol 140 side effects so far based on customer feedback.
However, there are a few comments about the dosage and that it’s too heavy. Of course, not everyone wants to take 4 pills at once.
But, according to what we found from the manufacturers, there are no risks involved with the intake. If you want to avoid having it on an empty stomach, you can take a pre-workout meal as well.
Moving on, one might witness mild effects, especially those not used to an OTC supplement. These effects may include nausea, headache, and gastrointestinal issues.
But you need not worry.
All these effects usually vanish after your body gets used to the intake. If, in any case, you feel the side effects don’t subside for more than 2 days, it’s best to consult your doctor.
In general, the following segment encapsulates the benefits you can expect from Testol 140 by CrazyBulk.
What to Expect from Testol 140?
Once you consume the Testol 140 capsule, you would like the results to show up pretty quickly.
However, it’s important to remember you need the support of a nutritious diet and workout for it to work. Even then, the result time will depend on your physiology, which, of course, differs for everyone.
CrazyBulk Testol 140 reviews and results on the official website talk about its numerous benefits.
On the basis of such CrazyBulk Testol 140 results and reviews, some of those benefits are as follows:
#1. Better Secretion of Male Sex Hormones
Testosterone is the male sex hormone, responsible for male sexual characteristics. Testosterone hormones are at their peak during the 20s.
However, as soon as men hit 30 it starts to decline. Low testosterone level is responsible for poor sex drive, mood swings, and lack of strength and stamina.
Additionally, it is also the primary reason behind muscle loss and lack of bone strength.
Interestingly, Testol 140 has two major ingredients that contribute excessively to boosting testosterone.
As a result, you’ll have the strength to improve your workout performance.
#2. Improved Muscle Recovery Duration
If you work out, you know the importance of muscle recovery. Your body needs time to recover and repair after working beyond its limits.
Thankfully, CrazyBulk Testol 140 results and reviews are favorable when it comes to muscle recovery.
This powerful strength and energy-boosting supplement improves metabolism and also works on tissue repair.
This, as a result, helps you to get back to your workout regime and give yourself more than 100%.
Tissue repair also helps gain muscle mass and gives you the desired bulk.
#3. Accelerate Fat-Burning Process
Testol 140 boosts your testosterone level, helps build lean muscles, and bulk up naturally. But the benefits of Testol 140 don’t end here.
It also boosts metabolism and assists in melting excess fat.
This fat-oxidation process increases metabolism and thus accelerates the weight loss process.
To elaborate, better metabolism breakdown of foods for energy. More energy helps you sweat out more and stick to longer and more effective workout sessions.
There were some of the major Testol 140 benefits you can witness.
Besides you can also experience better mental focus and low mood swings. Apart from this, there is one more Testol 140 benefit i.e., it doesn’t aromatize.
That is to say, it doesn’t convert estrogen into the body.
As a result, there is no water retention and no breast swelling issues. All these benefits are actually experienced by Testol 140 customers.
Hence, people feel more at ease while adding it to their cart.
On this note, let’s find out where to buy TESTOL 140 (TESTOLONE RAD 140).
Best Place to Buy CrazyBulk TESTOL 140 (Legal TESTOLONE)
If you happen to buy RAD 140 legal alternative by CrazyBulk, it’s recommended to purchase it from the official website only.
It’s easy to approach other online websites and third-party stores. Nevertheless, Testol 140 GNC, Testol 140 Amazon, and eBay are not genuine.
Buying Testol 140 from third-party stores is not safe as they may supply a fake formula.
Therefore, it is best to avoid looking for rad 140 near me and simply visit the official CrazyBulk Testol 140 website and make the purchase.
The best part of ordering from the official site is, that you get amazing deals.
CrazyBulk TESTOL 140 Price
Generally, RAD 140 SARM prices are always soaring.
But that’s not the case with CrazyBulk Testol 140 price.
On the official website, you get some of the best deals on Testol 140. It is available in user-friendly and pocket-friendly packages.
- 1 month supply – $69.99 (SAVE $15!)
- 2 months + 1 month FREE – $139.99 (SAVE $115!)
- 3 months + 2 months FREE – $209.99 (SAVE $215!)
Apart from the highly economic deal, you also get some added benefits:
- Fast and free shipping on all orders.
- You also get [FREE DOWNLOAD] – 10 Training and Nutrition E-guides.
- Offer to use coupon codes at the time of checkout for additional discounts.
>>> Buy Legal and Natural Testolone – Crazy Bulk Testol 140
Hence, rather than making expensive rad 140 orders, go for CrazyBulk Testol 140, It is not only safe but is also legal and tested by many users worldwide.
Before we sum up, here are some of the FAQs to help you know more about Testol 140.
Some of the most frequently asked questions related to CrazyBulk Testol 140 are as follows:
#1. Do you need to cycle Testol 140?
Although it is not mandatory, you can have 8 8-week cycle. Your first cycle will be for 4 weeks, and the second cycle for another four weeks.
If you still want to continue it for the third cycle, take a break of 2 weeks; so that your body doesn’t develop any immunity to the product.
#2. What does Testol 140 do?
Testol 140 skyrockets your testosterone levels naturally with the help of a unique formula. It improves your strength and muscle mass and also melts fatty layers, which are mainly the result of increased testosterone levels.
#3. Does Testol 140 require a PCT?
No, you don’t have to do PCT after using Testol 140 because, unlike synthetic steroids and SARMs, Testol 140 doesn’t affect the natural testosterone production in the body, and it doesn’t contain synthetic hormones.
#4. Will I lose my results if I stop taking Testol 140?
Not at all. However, you do need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Stay active, eat right, and work out enough to maintain the gains.
#5. Do I have to make any changes to my diet?
You don’t have to make any major changes.
However, it is always better to stay on the healthy side of the diet to reap better and instant results. You can add testosterone-boosting foods for better results.
#6. Who should not use Testol 140?
Those with pre-existing health issues must avoid using Testol 140. Also, it is not recommended for women due to testosterone issues.
#7. Can you buy Testol 140 in stores?
No! You can only buy CrazyBulk Testol 140 from its official website. The official website of Testol 140 is the only authentic place to get genuine Testol 140.
It’s a wrap!!
Concluding Thoughts
CrazyBulk Testol 140 is a natural supplement that offers real benefits for those who want to increase muscle size and increase testosterone.
It is specifically crafted to impersonate the Testolone RAD 140 endurance and strength benefits.
Impressively, after analyzing CrazyBulk Testol 140 results and reviews, it is safe to say it is much better than Testolone RAD 140.
By and large, as compared to Testolone RAD 140, it is safe, legal, low-cost, and non-addictive.
According to the Testol 140 results before and after as experienced by real customers, it:
- Improves muscle mass
- Boosts testosterone
- Burns excess fat
- Improves mental focus and peace
- Accelerates metabolism
- Provides more energy and strength
So, basically, you are getting everything that you expect from RAD 140 SARMs but without serious side effects.
Undoubtedly, it is one of the best choices for boosting strength and energy legally and naturally. It is great for professional athletes who have been looking to replace Testolone RAD 140.
Given these points, it can be a useful addition for better performance, strength, stamina, and endurance.
Go to the official website of Crazy Bulk Testol 140 to place your order and get the free training and nutrition guides.
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