17 Feb Weird Celebrity Beauty “Hacks” (Reviewed) 10 Celebs Spill the Beans
What’s one beauty tip that has definitely made you raise eyebrows? It was using cat litter as an exfoliant.
Weird AF, right? (But Jersey Shore star Snooki uses it to get rid of her dead skin so…)
Weird celebrity beauty hacks is no joke. From using Coca-Cola as a shampoo to caviar for moisturizing skin, some of the unconventional celebrity beauty secrets have left us speechless.
And though we love to know the secrets behind the Hollywood glow, they sound a little off the track for us.
So, are there weird celebrity beauty hacks that work and you dare to give them a try?
In today’s blog, we are here to disclose and review some of Hollywood’s viral skin secrets that are mad as a hatter.
#1. Suki Waterhouse Prefers Coca-Cola as Shampoo
Love the voluminous hair of actress and model Suki Waterhouse?
Well, wait until you know how she gets her infamous hair texture.
The “Love, Rosie” sensation uses Coca-Cola instead of store-bought shampoos to get instant beachy hair.
In her interview with “US Weekly”, she said using this trick gives her hair a gentle wash while giving it body and texture.
“Coca-Cola makes it tousled as I’ve gone through Amazon or something,” she told US Weekly.
Well, it’s undoubtedly handy! Dare to try it?
Yay or Nay?
It’s definitely off the wall, but trying it is something most beauty experts don’t recommend.
Coca-Cola is not even safe for drinking, and the same goes for your hair care routine too.
If you aren’t into popular hair shampoos, go for herbal ones, but for God’s sake, using Coca-Cola is way too far.
#2. Sienna Mille Turns to Ketchup as Her Hair Bleach
In her interview with Vogue UK, Miller revealed this beauty hack which for sure made her fans go bananas.
After multiple failed attempts when Miller couldn’t get her desired hair, she decided to go organic and used henna.
But the “American Sniper” actress had a lot of bad luck with coloring her hair.
When henna was impenetrable, and Miller couldn’t get her original hair color, she out of the blue decided to soak her hair in ketchup every night for a year like nobody’s business.
“The only thing that made any difference was ketchup, so for about a year and a half I had to put tomato ketchup on my hair under heat until it went back to normal.” said Miller, spilling the beans about her haircare frenzy.
Would you like to try your luck?
Yay or Nay?
Keeping it short and simple—let’s leave the ketchup for burgers and sandwiches.
It might have worked for Sienna, but there’s doubt it’s gonna work for anyone else unless they share the luck with Miller.
#3. Beyoncé Uses Glue Stick as Eyebrow Gel
Make some room for the queen!
You’ll be lying if you say you never looked at Beyonce and wondered how…just how this woman is so graceful.
Well, eyebrows contribute a lot to making your face look sculpted. Defined eyebrows can be a deal maker.
The secret of Byonce’s eyebrows is glue sticks.
Yes, you read that right!
In an interview with E! NEWS, Beyoncé’s makeup artist Sir John revealed that he uses Elmer’s Glue Stick to shape the singer’s eyebrows’ tip.
“Elmer’s Glue Stick doesn’t clog your pores, and it washes off easily.” He said.
But how full-proof is this new weird beauty hack of the old town road singer?
Yay or Nay?
Not that we recommend using it, but just to satisfy the bee in your bonnet, you can try it with safe glues.
But at all costs, don’t go for super glues. You might end up losing your eyebrows just like Tessica Brown, the infamous “Gorilla glue girl.”
#4. Margot Robbie Relies on Nipple Cream as Lip Balm
As per “the Wolf of Wall Street star, store-bought lip balms use ingredients that purposely make your lip dry so that you buy more.
Our very own “Suicide Squad” superstar Margot Robbie has come up with her own hack to avoid constantly putting lip balm, i.e., nipple cream.
In her interview with Elle UK, the Oscar nominee said, “My lip balm, I use Bepanthen, which is actually a nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers or diaper rash cream for babies,”
It’s a cream for dry skin and works for her. But does it mean it’ll deliver the same results for you too?
Yay or Nay?
Well, logically yes! People around the globe, in fact, use nipple creams to relieve itchy stretch marks. Some even use it to smoothen dry and cracked heels.
It happens to outperform petroleum jelly in removing skin dryness. No wonder this hack is getting viral among ladies.
And TBH, something which is made to soothe a sensitive area can often surpass the safety checklist. This is one weird celebrity beauty hack that we might recommend for use.
Just check the ingredients list before you apply it anywhere near your lips, as some ingredients may not be safe if they get into your mouth. Ingredients like Lanolin are often safe for use.
#5. Angelina Jolie Uses Pricey Caviar for Moisturizing Skin
One can only expect Angelina Jolie to use something as expensive as caviar for moisturizing her skin.
The Mr & Mrs. Smith actress is a fan of using not just any caviar but La Prairie’s Skin Caviar Luxe Cream which costs $710 for 100ml per container.
Yes, the secret of the Maleficent star is using the eggs of the Baerii sturgeon, reared on farms in the South of France.
After discovering the benefits of caviar on the skin, the superstar takes on-time skin treatment that uses caviar.
The treatment lasts 3 hours and requires the actress to be wrapped in tight bandages in order to release toxins from the body via sweating.
Later, she is slathered with youth-restoring cream. So, is it worth spending so much?
Yay or Nay?
Well, looking at Angelina’s skin, there is no way, we dare to doubt the process.
Also, the high oil and protein content in the eggs are proven to have skin anti-aging benefits.
A study on sturgeon eggs indicates that caviar extract and DHA inhibits UVB-irradiation-induced skin aging by suppressing MMP-1 gene expression.
So, if you can afford it, try it.
#6. Victoria Beckham Believes in Bird Poop for Facial
Other than eating the same food for the past 25 years, Victoria Beckham also has some weird beauty hacks that keep her skin bright.
The founder of Victoria’s Secret and wife of David Beckham is a big fan of Japanese geisha facials. This facial treatment uses a special paste made from Nightangle’s drooping, which is said to treat hyperpigmentation and brighten the skin.
Well, considering how she still holds the heart of the star footballer, it looks like the weird trick is working. But will it work for you?
Yay or Nay?
We absolutely do not recommend you try it at home the organic way by picking the drooping of Nightingale.
Leave the poor bird alone.
There is no proof so far regarding the skin effects of bird poop. Still, if you want to try, choose professionals and let us know about your experience.
#7. Gwyneth Paltrow Prefers Bee Sting for Reducing Inflammation
I bet you wouldn’t have thought about this even in your wildest dreams.
Well, the weird celebrity beauty hacks…
Doing justice to the blog, this beauty hack by the Iron Man starrer is sure to lose one’s head.
Talking to New York Times about her beauty routine, she says, “I’m open to anything. I have been stung by bees.”
Gwyneth Paltrow uses apitherapy or bee-sting therapy which requires getting stung by bees purposely.
It is purported to reduce inflammation and scarring.
Yay or Nay?
Even if it works, the first thing that comes to mind is what about the PAIN?!!
Bee stings are painful as hell, and even though it’s a year-old treatment, we wouldn’t dare or recommend doing so.
Also, bee stings can be dangerous, so better let them make honey and live in peace.
#8. Kim Kardashian Applies Blood for Facial Beauty
The Kardashians and Jenner have set a lot of beauty standards and have made a lot of beauty secrets popular.
From Brazilian booty to overdone lips, the Kardashian-Jenner sisters are the leading beauty role models.
The next weird beauty hack that comes from them is vampire facial, and it has been quite viral lately as well.
The process requires drawing blood from the arm, spinning it to extract platelet-rich plasma, and then applying it to the face or injecting it.
It is said to remove wrinkles and improve skin tone.
Yay or Nay?
In a research study published in the Annals of Dermatology, the activated-platelet-rich plasma and activated platelet-poor plasma both stimulated cell proliferation and may be used as an adjuvant treatment to lasers for skin rejuvenation in cosmetic dermatology.
Usually, most people can live with wrinkles rather than drawing their own blood and again injecting it into their face.
Well, we ain’t siding with blood and shit even if it makes you immortal.
But as for its effectiveness, it does work. Only remember to choose an experienced dermatologist or surgeon to get the procedure done.
#9. Eva Mendes Relies on Mono Threading for Boosting Collagen
Eva Mendes shook the world by posting her mid-skin-treatment image on Instagram.
There were needles on her neck and, though it looked painful, The Place Beyond the Pines star was absolutely calm.
The process received a mixed reaction from her fans. While some liked it, others didn’t like the idea of injecting so many needles at the same time.
TBH, it did look horrifying, but if it works, anything goes for looking gorgeous.
Yay or Nay?
Mono threading was confused with acupuncture. However, it is nothing like acupuncture.
As per Eva Mendes’s mono thread issuer, Dr. Mariana Vergara Hofstetter, acupuncture relieves the discomfort related to diseases.
Nonetheless, mono threading stimulates collagen production and prevents saggy necks.
It is a popular non-surgical face-lifting process and has the potential to create lifting when done with the right process.
#10. Salma Hayek and Blake Lively – Mayonnaise for Luscious Hair
You must have asked for extra mayo for your burgers and rolls. But next time, ask for some more if you want to add shine and softness to your hair.
Don’t believe me…?
What If I tell you Salma Hayek and even Blake Lively swear by this weird beauty hack?
Talking to Byrdie in her interview, Blake Lively accepted that the secret to her blonde locks is using mayonnaise.
She learned about this hair-strengthening and hair-smoothening tip from her mother.
Yay or Nay?
Notably, mayonnaise contains ingredients like eggs, lemon, and vinegar that can boost hair health. So, there’s no doubt it can work for you, especially when you make your own mayo at home.
Gross, but kinda genius!
ALSO READ: Salma Hayek Skincare Routine
Not Every Beauty Hack is Heaven-Sent!
Well, it’s kinda understood why celebrities are ready to even get sucked by the leeches (Demi Moore’s weird beauty hack).
Being a celebrity is not only about staying viral in the news and having all the fame and money. It also comes with constant pressure to APPEAR fit and glam to be in the race.
These weird beauty hacks are clearly not for the faint-hearted.
Most of them are just a good topic of gossip for the dinner table and are not made for your skin. But if you are up for fun, give some of them a try at your own risk. And don’t forget to let us know if any of these worked for you too!
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