Causes of Vaginal Odor/Smelly Discharge | What is the Treatment?

what causes vaginal odor

Causes of Vaginal Odor/Smelly Discharge | What is the Treatment?

One of the major reasons behind vaginal odor is the presence of many sweat glands around the area. Every woman has a unique vaginal smell which indicates optimum sexual health.

Other common reasons for vaginal odor include:

  • Presence of lymph nodes
  • Vaginal secretions
  • Odor producing bacterial flora

Moreover, the smell often gets prominent because of certain factors like:

  • Sexual activity
  • Menstrual cycle

Although it’s common for you to have a smell down there, vaginal odor can even be a reflection of internal abnormality.

A change in your regular vaginal odor accompanied by a change in color of discharge along with symptoms like vaginal itching, redness or frothiness can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

In the following blog, I lay out some of the medical conditions along with other factors that could cause abnormal vaginal odor.


What Can Cause Vaginal Odor?

The regular vaginal odor comes from the combination of discharge, sweat, and other secretions.

Talking about healthy vaginal odor, the following types of vaginal odor is considered normal and have no pathogenicity:

  • The tangy, fermented, or sour smell
  • Metallic smell
  • Molasses-y smell
  • Bleachy smell
  • Bittersweet smell

But you notice a different smell than these like a fishy odor, it’s often a warning sign for your health.

Here are some of the popular causes behind both healthy and unhealthy vaginal odor.

What Causes Your Vagina to Smell

What Can Cause Vaginal Odor

#1. Bacterial Flora

The presence of good vaginal bacteria indicates a sour or tangy smell. 

This is because of the secretions of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other such chemicals. They keep your vagina on an acidic site, preventing the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria and also maintaining a healthy pH.

#2. Menstrual Cycle

Women often witness a metallic smell after their period ends. This is because of the presence of iron in the blood.

Such type of metallic smell can also be seen after having sex due to bleeding!

Sometimes, the smell becomes more pronounced when the iron gets in contact with the semen.

#3. Stimulated Growth of Bacteria

Sometimes, there is flux in the vaginal bacteria that can leave back a sweet-bitter or molasses-y smell. The higher secretion of bacteria often interferes with the pH, causing a smelly vagina.

#4. Urine

Sometimes a bit of urine stays on the underwear causing a bleachy or chemical-like smell. 

Though this bleachy smell can even be a sign of infection, it is mostly considered normal.


What Causes Smelly Discharge – Abnormal Smell Indicators

Before we dig deeper into the various causes that could lead to an abnormal vaginal odor, here is how you might identify abnormal smelling vagina:

CausesVaginal Odor
Bacterial Vaginosisfishy odor with no discharge
TrichomoniasisPungent fishy smell
Toxic Shock SyndromeStrong unpleasant smell
Vaginal ThrushOccasionally yeasty
Urinary issuesAmmonia like smell
Gynecological cancerMetallic


Looking at the above table, we get an idea of what causes a smelly vagina in an abnormal condition.

However, we still need to analyze more about these causes and the actual medical conditions, and thus throw some light on these pathogenic causes:

#1. Bacterial Vaginosis

According to reports, one of the major medical conditions that cause white discharge with fishy smell among women is bacterial vaginosis.

Almost 15 to 50% of women in their reproductive age are affected by this condition.

It mainly creates an imbalance in the bacterial flora leading to symptoms like:

  • Fishy smell
  • Itchy and swollen vagina

Though there are many treatments for this disorder, the most popular ones include antibiotics.

The common mode of transmission is usually through a sexual partner.

#2. Trichomoniasis

This one is a non-viral sexually transmissible disorder that doesn’t show a lot of symptoms, making the diagnosis a little complex.

Though, some people might notice signs like:

  • Yellow to green vaginal discharge
  • Red and itchy vulva

Usually, a course of antibiotics is given to treat it.

#3. Toxic Shock Syndrome

It’s usually caused by tampons that have a high absorption rate.

Symptoms become severe when the bacteria enter the system. Some of the symptoms include:

  • High fever
  • Blood pressure change
  • Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness

#4. Tampons

On the off chance that you have recently left your tampons on for a few days before removing them, the chances of you noticing a bad odor are pretty high.

This odor can last for a few hours to a few days!

And it might get worse; hence, it’s always better to check on your tampons now and then.

#5. Vaginal Thrush

It’s a vaginal yeast infection pretty common among women these days.

The common symptoms of vaginal thrush start with:

  • Itching
  • Burning sensation down there
  • Changes in vaginal discharge – Lumpiness, White-colored, Might look curdled

Though itchiness is the most prominent symptom in vagina thrush, we still don’t know what causes vaginal itching in this medical condition. 

It could either be the excess of sweat or the secretions of fungi.

#6. Hormonal Imbalance

The hormonal changes in your body also influence vaginal secretions, especially during the pre-menopause and post-menopause phases.

Pregnancy can too have an influence on the mucous secretions, leading to signs like:

  • Thicker or thinner secretions
  • Foul-smelling discharge

#7. Urinary Infections

Urinary tract infections often lead to foul vaginal smell, mostly like ammonia.

When left untreated, the symptoms can become more severe, leading to signs like:

  • Fever
  • A more prominent and sickly smell

Apart from that, the ammonia-like smell can also be a sign of an existing incontinence issue.

#8. Gynecological Cancer

Though very rare, vaginal odor can be a symptom of uterine or cervical cancer.

However, vaginal odor is not the only sign, cancer in the reproductive region can also show signs like:

  • Bleeding during sex
  • Occasional spotting

#9. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This disease is caused when any bacterium left from an untreated STI enters your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries through your vagina.

It tends to cause symptoms like:

  • Pain around the lower abdomen
  • Bleeding during or post intercourse
  • Fever
  • Burning sensation on urination

Despite knowing all the possible causes of changes in your vaginal odor, you cannot self-diagnose if the smell actually indicates a specific infection.

Hence, it’s always recommended to visit a doctor as soon as you notice the first changes in your vaginal smell.


When to Seek Medical Help for Vaginal Odor?

Vagina smell can be unique from person to person and might not be a serious issue.

Yet, if there are changes in your vaginal scent that are new to you accompanied by signs like:

  • Discharge,
  • burning and itching, and
  • fever,

you must visit a doctor as soon as possible.

The doctor will use the following methods to diagnose any the underlying cause of the vagina odor:

  • Urinary test – for pregnancy and STIs
  • Sample of vaginal fluid – for bacterial infections

After all of this comes the most interesting part, the treatment of your vaginal odor, which is easy and not so frightening.


What is the Treatment for Smelly Discharge?

Vaginal odor caused by discharge or any other such factor can go away on its own.

You can try out various home remedies and natural treatments for the same.

How to Get Rid of Smelly Discharge Naturally

There are some remedies women try sometimes. 

Remember that I don’t recommend self-diagnosis. If you suspect something serious and have pains, it’s best to take a doctor’s guidance.

#1. Diet

What you eat is what your health is all about. Make sure you have a healthy diet along with probiotics that keep your gut bacteria healthy.

You must also avoid eating too much processed and fatty food.

Apart from that, eating citric fruits like oranges has been proven to enhance the aroma down there.

#2. Indian Gooseberry

Loaded with Vitamin C, they help you get rid of vaginal odor naturally.

They mainly act as a blood purifier that keeps your vagina free from vaginal discharge. All that you gotta do is consume enough of the fruit daily.

You can even extract its juice and drink it.

#3. Fenugreek

Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of the vaginal odor. You can help balance your hormones with the help of fenugreek.

Apart from treating the smelly vaginal discharge, they will also help in maintaining irregular periods.

For the maximum benefits of fenugreek, either drink it in the form of an herbal tree or soak it overnight and then drink the strained water early in the morning.

Though these natural formulas work well for all sorts of odors, there are some myths out there that need debunking.


Avoid This Common Practice to Get Rid of Fishy Odor  

According to some online sources, one of the best ways to get rid of that fishy odor is having a bath with the following.

Guava Leaves Bath

The sources recommend a process like this…

Take around 30 grams of guava leaves and 1 liter of water.

Boil the water, and once done, put off the flame, add 30 grams of guava leaves, and cover the pan with a lid. Keep this closed for 3 to 5 minutes and then take out the leaves to discard them.

Take the water fused with the leaves out in a basin and let it cool. Now sit in the basin and use this water to clean your genitals. 

You are suggested to follow the process twice to thrice a day.

However, none of the credible evidence is present in connection with this treatment. And many sources debunk the theory as well.

And I strongly suggest you avoid any washes that are not backed by professional advice. This can disrupt the pH balance of the vaginal area and may cause more trouble down the line.

Only rely on a healthy diet and cleanliness to really see some difference. 

However, if none of the natural treatments work, you would finally have to turn towards the allopathic treatment.


Medicine for Smelly Discharge

Doctors usually suggest antibiotics for vaginal odors and discharges as they are mainly caused by infectious bacteria.

So, vaginal odor can be reduced and treated. And it can also be prevented.

Just avoid falling into such conditions by using reliable prevention measures. 

Practicing these regularly will surely help lessen or eliminate causative factors related to bacteria and infections.


How to Prevent Vaginal Odor – Useful Tips

There are many effective at-home measures to prevent vaginal odor and smelly discharge.

#1. Avoid douches 

Douches and products that contain fragrance often interfere with the healthy pH of your vagina. This can lead to the entry of unwanted pathogens and cause vagina odor.

#2. Keep Your Vagina Clean

You don’t need any products available online to cleanse your vagina. All you get to do is clean your vagina with warm water.

#3. Sexual Intercourse

Always use protection when indulging in physical intercourse.

#4. Cotton Undergarments 

Cotton underwear doesn’t retain moisture and hence doesn’t let any odor-producing bacteria build up.

#5. Say No to Tight Clothing 

Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes. And this also includes thongs.

#6. Probiotics 

Taking probiotics helps the healthy bacteria to grow, outstanding the bacteria that harm your vagina.


Sum Up

The vaginal smell is a common feminine character. There is nothing to worry about much unless your regular smell changes into a fishy and pungent odor.

Vaginal odor is mainly caused by bacteria or fungal infestations and takes some time to go away.

But yes, you can definitely prevent these infections and vaginal odor too by following good hygiene practices.

Despite many natural treatments and remedies helpful in reducing odors, I always recommend our readers to visit their doctors as soon as they notice the first signs of change that just don’t go away.

This helps in the diagnosis of underlying medical conditions faster and treatment becomes easier.

With that, I leave you with the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.



#1. Why am I always wet down there and smelly?

Bacterial vaginosis might be a possible cause behind being wet and smelly down there. It is a bacterial infection that’s caused because of the imbalance between bad and good bacteria. 

The risks are higher among people having more than one sexual partner. However, the diagnosis will be better by consulting with a doctor.

#2. Why do I smell down there even after I shower?

People with concerns like I shower every day and still smell down there must consult a doctor as this could be because of various reasons, like fungal or bacterial infections. 

Further, it could also be due to wearing your undergarments before drying up the area down there. 

This leads to your undergarments becoming wet and giving rise to an environment suitable for the growth of pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria produce infections with vaginal odor.

#3. Does cranberry juice help your VAG smell better?

Cranberries have antioxidants and infection fighters that can help fight the bad bacteria around the vagina region and maintain a healthy pH hence leading to your vagina smelling better.

#4. Can a man’s sperm make a woman smell fishy?

If the contact between semen and your vagina fluid makes you smell fishy, it could be an indicator of an underlying condition.

This could also be because of the semen overpowering your vaginal pH.

#5. Is vaginal itching normal?

Vaginal itching could be an initial symptom of a severe medical condition. 

It could either be because of vaginal diseases or STDs. And hence, severe itching must be considered for doctor consultation.

#6. Can I use salt to wash my private part?

Yes, you can use salt water to wash your private parts. But do not douche.

#7. What does a yeast infection look like?

Some of the common symptoms of yeast infections are:

  • Itching and irritation around the vulva
  • Thick white discharge
  • Pain during urination
  • Burning sensation during sex

#8. How do you kick a yeast infection?

Eating a healthy quantity of probiotics from sources like yogurts can help kick out yeast infections pretty soon.

#9. How can I stay fresh down there?

Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Use sweat-wicking underwear
  • Wear loose flowy clothes
  • Change your clothes after every sweaty activity
  • Don’t use deodorants down there
  • Avoid panty liners unless urgent

So, this was all for today. I hope this quick guide must have helped you understand more about vaginal odor and what causes it. The best fix is always staying clean down there.

I look forward to any more of your queries. Do drop them down below or mail your queries to me directly at



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Regina Stemers

Dr. Regina Stemers spent many years as a general physician before developing an interest in the management of skin conditions. This has led her to take an active part in multiple research studies centered around skincare, aging, and other areas of female medical concerns. Read More... About Me

1 Comment
  • robin nicole
    Posted at 01:38h, 24 May Reply

    Good that you debunked some popular theories about fishy odor. Will refer back to the table for abnormal smell indicators. Good work

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