17 Jun Running Everyday for a Month – What Happens After 30 Days Run
Running every day for a month might reduce your risk of cardiovascular disorders and cancer.
Running is known to be one of the most popular forms of exercise with many health and fitness benefits.
According to science, different types of running can offer unique benefits:
- Base runs – Moderate running refreshes the body
- Long runs – Consistent pace running for long distances helps with endurance
- Interval runs – Intense running with short breaks increases speed
- Recovery runs – Running slow after an intense period of running targets muscles
However, in spite of the amazing benefits of running, people generally follow periodic running where they run for a few days and then take a break.
Though the idea is getting popular these days, do you know what happens to your body when you start running regularly?
Well, the running everyday transformation is what you should know about when thinking over the idea of running every day regularly for 30 days.
What Happens When You Run Everyday for a Month?
Science recognizes many health benefits of running everyday for a month and even states that running every day can add years to your life.
How? Let us find out!
Following are some of the unexpected benefits of running consistently for 30 days.
#1. Neuroprotection Mechanism of Running
Neuroprotection is a term that summarizes a mechanism that can protect neural cells from damage. It causes intervention or disruption in pathogenic pathways that can degenerate the neural cells.
According to studies, physical exercise or running every day can slow down neurodegeneration and reduce the risk of:
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
This result came from a meta-analysis of studies conducted on the effects of physical exercises on quality of life, symptoms, and cognition among brain disorder patients.
The disorders studied were:
- Huntington’s disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Unipolar depression
- Schizophrenia
According to results, 69% of studies showed that running or exercising daily can improve the quality of life, reduce the severity of symptoms, and even improve cognition.
#2. Running Everyday for 30 Days Reduces Cardiovascular Risk
A study was conducted over 55,137 adults from the age groups 18 to 100 years to study the effects of running on cardiovascular mortality risk.
This was based on the assessment of medical history, running, and a questionnaire.
The follow-up was kept for 15 years, and during the period, it was found that 1,217 deaths were reported due to cardiovascular health.
When compared with people who were not into running daily, it was found that:
- Runners had 45% less risk of cardiovascular death
- Running even for 5 – 10 minutes a day was effective in reducing the risk
#3. Reduces the Risk of Cancers
Running or physical activities have different effects on several parts of the body:
- Pulmonary regions
- Cardiovascular areas
- Hormones
- Bowel motility
This led to a vast research on bowel, breast, prostate, and endometrium cancers.
Out of these, the most common was cancer of the large bowel.
A meta-analysis conducted over the studies that focused on cancer showed that:
Men and women who were physically active daily had half the risk of developing cancer compared to their non-physically active counterparts.
It was found that running and physical activities were effective in preventing cancer because of their effect on:
- Reduction in bowel transit time
- Causes less contact between fecal carcinogens and colonic mucosa
#4. Reduces All-Cause Mortality in Men and Women
The same study mentioned in point #2 also observed if running causes a decrease in the all-cause mortality rate in men and women.
55,137 adults ranging from 18 to 100 years took part in the observational study. and women belonging to age groups 20 to 98 years.
A model was designed to calculate the mortality risk with a follow-up period of 15 years.
During the observation periods, there were:
- Runners had a 30% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a 45% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality.
- Compared with never-runner, regular runners had a 50% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality.
This study hence concluded running for even 5 to 10 minutes a day at slow speeds reduces the risk of death.
While these were some of the major running everyday for a month benefits on your health.
But other than these, running is also considered the best exercise to transform how you look!
In short, running benefits body shape by reducing your weight and making you lose fat!
Running Everyday Results – Will I Be Able to Lose Weight?
Many studies find running an effective way of losing weight.
However, it depends on several factors like:
- Intensity
- Duration
- Type of running
Generally, intense running daily helps lose more weight similar to high-intensity workouts.
Here is how running everyday for a month benefits weight loss:
#1. Burns Calories
A study was conducted to compare the number of calories burned during walking and running.
For taking out the comparative results, energy expenditure was calculated for both running and walking for a distance of 1600 meters.
According to the results:
Running required more energy expenditure as compared to walking on both the treadmill and track.
This suggested that running burns more calories than regular walking does.
#2. Causes Natural Appetite Suppression
It was found that intense aerobic exercises like running help in controlling appetite.
This result came from a study conducted on the effects of aerobic exercises and resistance exercises on hunger and levels of peptide and ghrelin.
For the study, a total of 11 healthy adults around 21 years of age were considered.
The model followed was:
- Resistance exercise for 90 minutes
- 60 minutes of running
- Rest for 7 hours
According to the results, the effects of the exercises on the peptides and ghrelin caused the hunger levels to go down among the adults.
However, we require more research on the same.
#3. Targets Belly Fat
According to several studies, moderate to high intensity running everyday for 30 days benefits weight loss by reducing your belly fat.
The result came from a meta-analysis of 15 studies observing 852 participants which found:
- Aerobic exercises reduce belly fat without any modifications to the diet
- Moderate to high-intensity training or running can burn fat at a faster rate
Another study conducted on middle-aged women showed that running at a high intensity can help reduce belly fat more than walking.
That begs the question—if you run 30 minutes a day how much weight will you lose?
In the end, a study on 45 women who were not physically active concluded that running daily for just three weeks can help reduce fat from various regions of your body.
With so many studies in favor of some really good benefits of running daily, we bet you might lose an interesting number of pounds!
But the process could take time to show results.
If I Run 30 Minutes a Day When Will I See Results?
The time it takes for the results depends on your goal of running.
For some it could just be catching up the pace and becoming a consistent runner, for others it could be achieving intense goals.
According to the goals:
- A set of running schedules can start showing results in 4 to 6 weeks. For example, running 30 minutes a day for a month results in better endurance in just 4 weeks for consistent runners.
- Weight loss is usually gradual with running, it could start with the loss of just a few pounds every month.
Other than the goal factor, your habit of running can influence the results too.
For example:
- Beginners see quicker results as the body adapts quickly to the new stimuli of daily training.
- Advanced runners see slower progression toward their goals with running
But, you can maximize the results and amplify the rate with which you gain the results by planning a good running program.
Planning a Running Program – Creating Your Routine
Before you plan to start the training, what you must own is a good pair of running shoes and some sportswear.
Once you have them its time to start:
#1. Focus on a Race
The best way to create a routine for running is to focus on a goal. Initially start with preparing for a race. A fixed date for the race is going to help you form a regular running schedule.
#2. Correcting the Running Form
Just go with your natural pattern of running instead of copying others to reduce the risks of injuries. Though initially, running can be complex, once you go for regular running, it’s gonna get easy.
#3. Run-Walk Method
Using this method can help you start and catch up pace slowly for regular running.
The method focuses on running and taking short breaks in between.
You can try out the following patterns:
- Run for 10 – 30 seconds
- Walk 1 -2 minutes
- Run for 1 to 5 minutes
- Walk 1 -2 minutes
- Run for 6 to 8 minutes
- Walk for 30 seconds
The next and final step is to pick a training plan and then focus on achieving it.
#4. Training Plan
Although there are many types of training plans available through various platforms, go for simple and basic ones to create a routine.
For example, you can follow the following plan:
- Focus on running three days a week
- Run for at least 30 minutes two days a week
- On the third day, go for longer runs like for 40 minutes
- The off days should be for rest in the initial days
Once you get used to this pattern, it’s time to go to the intermediate level.
You can run for longer durations on more than three days in a week, or try some training plans like the 10K training plan.
The 10K Training Plan
10K training plans are for runners who are experienced enough to go for the high-intensity running of longer duration.
A sample plan can be:
- Monday – a 3-mile run
- Tuesday – 30 minutes of running
- Wednesday – 6 X 400 meters at mile pace
- Thursday – 3-mile run
- Friday – rest or 3-mile run
- Saturday – 5-mile run
- Sunday – 6-mile run
Beginners don’t need to follow the plan and strain themselves, as running 5km everyday benefits your health too!
Other than creatine a routine, what’s also important when you start running is to maintain safety.
Safety Tips for Running
Injuries are common in runners but by following precautions and safety, one can enjoy all the running benefits without any worries:
- Warm-up – warm-ups like stretches activate your muscles for workouts and running. Hence it reduces injury.
- Stretches post-workout help relieve the tension built within the muscles and also reduce lactic acid formation.
- Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated
- Don’t push yourself into covering distances that seem to be difficult. Overstraining yourself during running can lead to more harm than good.
- Start with a small pace and gradually increase the pace to ensure that the muscles are all activated and well engaged.
- Wear proper running shoes to avoid straining your legs.
Final Rundown
Running everyday for a month Reddit has been trending for the numerous health benefits in line.
According to researchers running everyday, can add up years to your life by preventing all-causes mortality.
But what also comes as a benefit of running is that it could help you lose weight!
So with so many benefits, we bet you aren’t going to sit back and rest as running can be a good way to improve your overall health.
But before you start following the trend of running for a complete 30 days, make sure you are well versed with some safety rules.
After all, you don’t wanna injure yourself. Hopefully, now you;ve some idea of starting your everyday running routine. Do share your tips with other readers in the comments below.
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