14 Feb Yoga and Breathing Exercises to Stop Snoring: 5 Asanas for Snorers
Practicing yoga has proven positive effects on a lot of physical and mental illnesses but can yoga cure snoring as well?
Well, snoring can be the most irritating habit not only for the snorer but also for their bed partner.
It might be because of a sleeping disorder called sleep apnea, which requires nasal treatment. However, most of the time snoring is the result of excessive stress, lack of sleep, and bad sleeping posture.
Interestingly, snoring can be treated naturally. And apart from home remedies for snoring, people may also try yoga for better sleep to escape from snoring.
Knowing yoga exercises for snoring can help you get rid of snoring habits and achieve a better quality of sleep.
But before that, let’s get to know a little more about yoga for snoring.
Yoga For Snoring
Snoring is the result of obstructed breathing during sleep which can cause problems and make you suffer.
But considering the effectiveness of yoga and its contribution to improving the overall health of people, it is possible that yoga exercises to stop snoring might just work.
Interestingly, there is certain research that shows the effectiveness of practicing yoga asanas for snoring. Let’s see how yoga can help the snorers sleep better.
Study 1: Effectiveness Of Yoga Therapy And Oropharyngeal Exercise In Snoring
In a randomized controlled trial, a group of people between ages 36 to 55 years with snoring issues were recruited for the study.
The trial took place for 3 months, and the subjects were intentionally divided into two groups.
Group A of 15 people was made to do oropharyngeal exercise, and group B of other 15 people were practicing yoga therapy.
It was a comparative study of pre and post-test types. And the study after a detailed comparison stated that group B people showed more effective results.
The study after comparing the mean value of both the groups concluded that yoga therapy exercise can improve snoring.
Study 2: Application Of Standardized Yoga Protocol For Universal Usage In Sleep Apnea
37 patients with a history of snoring and mild to moderate issues of obstructive sleep apnea joined the study. Out of which, 29 stayed with the process.
Patients were to perform a set of yoga exercises with perceived benefits on snoring and OSA patients.
As a result, the author noted a remarkable similarity in physiology and yoga asanas.
Yoga exercises for snoring like anulom vilom, bhramari, pranayam, and kapal bhati increased lung capacity and kept nasal passage open.
The effects of these exercises may even help decrease and even eliminate snoring problems.
The study further concluded that yoga is a rational and constructive addition to treatment protocol of sleep apnea.
And although it is the need of the hour, further studies regarding the efficacy of yoga for snoring are required.
All in all, on the basis of research, it’s quite evident that performing yoga exercises to reduce snoring has mixed results. Nevertheless, the good news is yoga for snoring may help to an extent, and there’s no harm in trying it at home.
How Does Yoga Stop Snoring?
Breathing is fundamental to yoga.
Snoring, on the other hand, is the result of restricted airflow or interrupted breathing during sleep.
Basically, when you doze off, your body muscles relax which includes your tongue muscles and the muscles that control your jaw as well.
The relaxed back of the tongue muscle, as a result, creates obstruction in the wind wipe and the blocked upper airway tissue creates a vibration, leading to snoring.
Moving on, practicing yoga includes certain stretches and deep breathing that strengthen and expand the diaphragm, clear the upper airway, and improve snoring.
Adding to it, yoga asanas can treat such health issues as well that have a direct or indirect effect on snoring.
For instance, being overweight and snoring is directly linked; and yoga is actually effective in controlling weight.
Thus, if you are obese and snore too, practicing yoga to lose weight can help you get rid of snoring issues as well.
Just like this, there are other health issues that affect snoring like smoking and alcohol, stress, sleep deprivation, sedentary lifestyle, and poor neck and back posture.
Interestingly, yoga is helpful in treating all these. Thus, in one way or the other, it can help you with snoring issues.
Though, if you’re wondering what exercises reduce snoring, you can try certain yoga postures for snoring.
Top 5 At-Home Yoga Asanas To Stop Snoring
So, which asana is good for snoring?
To answer that, there are a lot of things to consider. And to make it easier for you, we have prepared a list of top 5 yoga positions to stop snoring.
Let’s learn about them in detail and try them at home to get started.
#1. Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)
This yoga exercise for snoring is even doable by beginners.
This yoga breathing exercises for snoring lowers the high blood pressure and helps treat snoring.
And as a matter of fact, snoring and high blood pressure are also linked.
So, bhramari pranayama or bee breath counter these issues and relieves snoring.
Here’s how to do Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath):
- To begin with, choose a quiet and ventilated place and sit straight.
- Put your index fingers on the ear and on the cartilage between cheeks and ear.
- Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, make a humming sound like a bee. Meanwhile, keep pressing your cartilage gently.
- You can try low-pitched as well as high-pitched humming.
- Inhale again and repeat the same process 5-6 times.
Note: Keep your eyes closed while performing this and try to feel the sensations.
- Avoid putting the fingers inside your ear.
- Put gentle pressure on the cartilage.
- Choose the humming pitch according to your comfort level.
#2. Kapalbhati (Skull-Shining Breath)
Kapalbhati is yet another effective breathing technique or one of the most effective yoga asanas to stop snoring.
It clears the cranial sinus and opens the airway resulting in uninterrupted breathing.
It is simple to perform and its effective inhaling and exhaling routine helps reduce snoring.
Here’s how to do kapalbhati (Skull-Shining Breath):
- Choose a comfortable position and sit with a straight spine.
- Take a deep breath and as you exhale, contract your lower belly and release your breath with a burst.
- Release your belly and let your breath reach the lungs.
- Take 20 such breaths and complete one round of skull-shining breath.
Note: Exhaling during kapalbhati is an act of burst. Hence, you need to be careful and focus on your breathing.
- Pregnant, menstruating, and those dealing with postpartum must avoid this asana.
- People with an artificial pacemaker, recent surgery, and asthma must consult a professional before performing it.
#3. Roaring Lion Pose (Simha Garjanasana)
This pose requires stretching your tongue and back and forth of throat muscles.
To explain, it tightens the muscles of your tongue and restricts it from blocking the throat; hence, preventing snoring.
Here’s how to do the roaring lion pose (Simha Garjanasana)
- To start with, kneel on the floor and sit with crossed legs and place your hip on your heels.
- Spread your thighs and place your palm on the floor with fingers placed inwards.
- After you are in this position, lean forward and inhale deeply with your nose.
- Now, stick your tongue out as far as possible and exhale.
- Continue doing it for as long you are comfortable.
Note: It is important to start slow and then increase the pace gradually.
- If you have a knee injury, you can simply switch to virasana or practice it by sitting on the chair.
#4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
It is a multi-purpose pose, and apart from better digestion and strengthened back, the bow pose is also effective in improving snoring issues.
It helps open your chest and shoulders, strengthens your diaphragm, and helps you relax.
Adding to it, by expanding the front and back, it stretches the diaphragm and helps breathe better. Thus, reducing snoring.
Here’s how to do Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):
- Bend with your belly on the floor and press your toes.
- Now, bend your knees and grab your toes with your hand and flex your feet.
- While you inhale, lift your shoulders and rib cage. As you exhale, lengthen your tailbone and stretch your legs in your hand and maintain the position.
- When trying to hold the position, lift your head and try to gaze forward.
- Maintain this position and take at least 5 breaths.
Note: If you’re a beginner and unable to hold your toes with your hand, try to put a strap around your ankle and then pull it.
- Pregnant women must avoid it.
- Don’t stretch your legs excessively.
- Try to maintain the pose for only as long as possible and avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your breath.
#5. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Corpse pose is the easiest of all the above-mentioned asanas.
If just lying down and relaxing could help you with your snoring problem, what’s better than this?
This yoga posture happens to be the most relaxing and rejuvenating pose and really works wonders if stress is the primary reason behind your snoring.
So, if you often wonder, “how can I permanently stop snoring naturally”, let us tell you, corpse pose is the solution if stress is the reason.
Here’s how to do Shavasana or corpse pose:
- Lie on your back and close your eyes.
- Now stretch your arms on the side and let every muscle of your body relax.
- Next, focus and start slow breathing and try to feel every sensation.
- The goal of performing this is to relax both mentally and physically and get rid of stress.
Note: Focus on your breathing and empty your mind completely.
As this asana is highly relaxing and calms down tour senses, it is common to doze off, especially if you’re sleep deprived. So, just don’t fall asleep.
Interestingly, the corpse pose is a great introduction to meditation.
And meditation is an unbreakable and essential part of yoga. Meditation is all about concentration, better breathing, and relaxation.
People often try simple meditation to relax which results in improving sleep.
Not to forget, disturbed sleep is one of the causes for snoring. Thus, meditation may help reduce snoring and regulate sleeping pattern.
Meditation=Better Sleep=Less Snoring
Notably, while simple meditation is of great help, the benefits of mindfulness meditation are scientifically backed and proven.
So, can meditation stop snoring?
Yes, but there is a catch like always.
Let’s learn about it.
Can Meditation Stop Snoring?
Sleep disorder and stress have a direct link with snoring.
Meditation is an effective way of controlling stress and treating sleep disorders.
According to the research, there is one certain type of meditation that can improve the quality of sleep.
Mindfulness meditation is further divided into 4 parts on the basis of focus; namely:
- Body-Focused
- Breathing Focused
- Sensory Focused
- Emotion-Focused
According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, 49 middle-aged participants who had trouble breathing took a mindfulness awareness program.
The exercises were designed to help them focus on every moment, feeling, and emotion in steps.
Half of them completed it successfully. The other half completed the sleep education that taught them to improve sleeping habits.
After comparing both the groups, it was concluded that the group of people who performed mindfulness meditation depicted significant changes in depression, insomnia, and fatigue.
The reason?
Mindfulness meditation focuses your breathing and trains your mind to control your thoughts and relax.
Moreover, mindfulness meditation for slipping into easy sleep requires just two basic steps.
Step 1: Lie down in a comfortable position and focus on your breathing. You can try OM chanting or any other positive phrase to maintain your focus. Feel your chest rising and falling with air as you inhale and exhale.
Step 2: Forget about everything and let your body relax. If your thoughts start wondering, take a deep breath and start again with the chanting.
It can be an effective tool to relax, sleep peacefully, and prevent snoring if stress and sleep disturbances are the reason behind it.
People who want to know how to stop snoring immediately but want to ditch using any so-called best anti-snoring devices or go for snoring treatments can try yoga exercises for snoring and prevent it.
Before You Doze Off!
Yoga and meditation have innumerable benefits, and preventing snoring is now one of them.
Whether your snoring is the result of bad posture, lack of quality sleep, excessive stress, upper airway blockage, or alcohol, there are yoga exercises for every problem.
To begin with, whether you are a beginner or a regular yoga practitioner, try the above-mentioned yoga exercises for snoring and see if you can treat it naturally.
However, if things aren’t changing even after practicing yoga exercises for snoring, it’s time to visit a doctor.
If you or your partner is a snorer, try these yoga poses for snoring and let us know the effects in the comments section below.
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Effects of Snoring on Your Health
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