13 Apr Why is Celibacy Both Healthy and Bad? | Health Effects Explained
Different people have different sexual preferences.
While some find sexual pleasure calming and stress-busting, others could think the complete opposite.
Celibacy is one such sexual preference getting popular in recent years.
Although you might have heard the term celibacy quite a few times, you too might find it similar to being a virgin as per popular belief.
In general, celibacy has got different opinions from different people. Some call it being a virgin and some call it abstinence.
But as a whole, celibacy has a basic meaning that separates it from the differing opinions.
What is Celibacy? – Defining the True Meaning
To sum up, celibacy is a term used for the voluntary choice of giving up sex. A celibate can be a person who has already had sex or even a person who never had sex.
It’s a completely voluntary choice, and hence allows people the freedom to follow it the way they want to.
But the basic rule remains intact – Not having penetrative sex.
Based on the choice of celibacy, there are two types of celibates:
#1. Strict Celibates
These types of celibates believe in sticking to strict celibacy rules like:
- Avoiding watching videos that excite them and bring in sexual thoughts
- Refraining from self-pleasure
- Avoidance of any type of contact with the opposite sex including no kissing or holding hands.
- Discarding any sexual thoughts immediately.
…and much more!
These types of celibates usually are following permanent celibacy that could be for religious purposes like in cases of priests, nuns, and monks.
#2. Celibates Who Don’t Follow Strict Rules
This type of celibates can be involved in a romantic relationship, and show romantic physical gestures like:
- Kissing
- Touching their partners
- Cuddling
But in the end, they too refrain from any penetrative sexual activity.
These types of celibates usually follow temporary celibacy for various traditional and cultural reasons.
However, one common confusion that looms around is whether celibacy is the same as abstinence. Many people, in fact, regard the two as the same.
Celibacy vs Abstinence
Most of the time, people confuse celibacy with abstinence as both sexual preferences involve staying away from the penetrative type of sexual activity.
However, celibacy is more of a voluntary choice where people choose to follow their own rules of physical contact.
This could be for a short period and also for an extended period of time, depending on what you prefer.
On the other hand, abstinence involves strict restrictions on all sexual activities and thoughts for a limited period. For example, avoiding sexual contact till you get married.
Besides, another question that might make you curious here is why would a person choose celibacy after having sex a couple of times!
Now, that’s interesting as it could have many varied answers.
5 Reasons for Celibacy
Some popular reasons for switching to celibacy after having sex for a certain time include:
- Religious reasons
- Preventing the transmission of STDs
- Traumatic past sexual experiences
- Treatment of sex addictions
- Physical disability
All these reasons are the most common factors responsible for adopting the practice of celibacy.
#1. Religious Purposes
Some people can leave sexual activities and switch to celibacy for building a closer relationship with God.
Whereas, others can also choose celibacy for their entire life.
The most famous celibates, solely for religious reasons, are usually monks, nuns, and priests who swear to celibacy for their entire life.
#2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
People diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases often turn to celibacy to prevent the spread of the disease.
Moreover, many people may also turn to celibacy in order to cut down the risk of getting STDs in the first place.
#3. Traumatic Experiences
People with traumatic experiences with sex, like abusive relationships, often switch to celibacy to take a break from the emotional damage.
Avoiding sex for some time makes them put back their emotions on the track and heal better.
#4. Celibacy to Treat Sex Addictions
People can often become sex addicts after being involved with too many partners.
In short, sex addiction is a possible situation where a person needs sex daily to manage their emotions.
For example, heartbreaks often lead people to use sex as a mode of venting out their emotions.
Thus, switching to celibacy helps them take a break and analyze their situation and life better.
#5. Physical Disabilities
Some disabilities force people to take up celibacy as they are not able to have sexual intercourse.
This could be because of old age or some other underlying disorders.
Now, we know celibacy is a fairly common practice, especially due to cultural factors.
However, is it really healthy as well or there’s harm to this practice?
After all, having sex is an integral part of being a human. Here’s the complete truth…
Celibacy for Health – Is Celibacy Good or Bad?
We all know there are many health benefits of having sex like better cardiovascular health and better mental health.
But is celibacy healthy too?
We have contrasting answers to that. Celibacy can be both healthy and unhealthy as reported by various health experts.
But before heading onto why is celibacy harmful, let’s first have a look at the bright side of abstaining from having sex. Obviously, these should factor in when deciding whether celibacy is healthy or not.
Why is Celibacy Good for Health | 4 Psychological Benefits
Switching to a celibate life can be a life-changing decision. That’s for good reasons too…it can offer many health benefits, most of them—psychological.
- Mental focus
- Better personal relationships
- Boosted self-esteem
- More enjoyment of sex after having experienced a celibate life
Here’s how these benefits of celibacy affect you…
#1. Enhances Mental Focus
According to relationship consultants, sexual thoughts can often mask clear thinking and make you less focused.
So, just a few months of becoming celibate after being sexually active can improve your logical thinking and help synchronize your brain with your emotions.
Apparently, this could benefit you in many areas of life.
#2. Helps Build a Strong Foundation for Romantic Relationships
People often switch to celibacy while being in a relationship for some time. Though this doesn’t always mean avoiding physical contact, it does mean staying away from sex.
This formula works in building a strong relationship, independent of sexual factors, when your relationship has just begun.
We say this because having sex in the initial days of a relationship can make you delusional and oversee the demerits of your new beau.
#3. Boosts Your Self-Esteem
Sexual indulgence makes you more body-conscious, which often is not on the positive side.
It usually makes you doubtful about whether your partner would like your body or your moves, and people often end up hurting their self-esteem.
When following a celibate lifestyle, you get time to think more about yourself rather than thinking about what others might like in you.
This boosts your self-esteem.
#4. Increases Your Enjoyment Post Ending Celibacy
If you’ve been following temporary celibacy for some reason, whether it is self-imposed or forced on you, you have some good pleasure in store.
Refraining from sex for a certain time period makes you desire it more and be more sensual towards physical contact.
Moreover, it increases your sexual sensitivity and also makes your sexual desire go up.
In short, celibacy is healthy for your mind to some extent as it does help make you feel better and stronger than before.
However, while celibacy affects your mental health, it can have some negative physical effects.
In fact, some experts suggest that celibacy, to some extent, may hamper your physical health.
Why is Celibacy Unhealthy? [5 Bad Side Effects]
Despite the celibacy benefits on mental health, there are usually some negative effects of not having sex on your reproductive health.
The following side effects of celibacy are evident after restarting your sex life after a pause:
- Weakened pelvic muscles
- Chances of experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) symptoms
- Lack of lubrication
- Menstrual cramps
- Poor libido
Following is a thorough explanation of why celibacy is bad for you…
#1. Weakening of Pelvic Floor Muscles
Strong pelvic floor muscles play an integral role in helping you have more sexual satisfaction.
In fact, research indicates women with strong pelvic floor muscles report more sexual activity when compared to those with weak pelvic muscular strength.
According to sexologists, people who have not been in a sexual relationship for quite some time can see their pelvic muscles weakening.
This may make your bladder control and urination abnormal.
There could be similar effects of celibacy in females. Those who are not sexually active for an extended time period can have weak pelvic muscles that can cause painful conditions.
#2. Experiencing Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
According to some theories on what happens when a man is not sexually active, celibacy can increase your chances of developing some symptoms of erectile dysfunction or weak erections.
This can possibly be due to higher anxiety levels after being celibate for a long time.
However, this study was more centered on elder people and hence is subjective in nature.
#3. Decrease in Lubrication
In the cases of temporary celibacy, women often find it difficult for their vagina to be lubricated again. This could also be because of declining estrogen levels.
The vaginal walls may thin up and cause painful sex once you are back from the temporary break.
#4. Severe Menstrual Cramps
When women have sex, their walls contract and relax. This keeps them fit and functional.
But when you avoid having sex, the contraction power of the uterine walls slows down, leading to strong cramps while expelling the blood out.
#5. Poor Libido
Refraining from sex for quite a long time can reduce the desire for having sex. Though this is treatable, always remember that the more sex you have, the more you end up craving sex.
Different Views of Partners about Celibacy Entice Added Stress
Usually, sex brings partners together and bonds them well in such a way that nothing can tear them apart. But that’s only possible when both are willing and share similar views.
If you’re in a relationship where your partner is inclined towards sexual activity and you desire to be celibate, the relationship can experience a dead end.
In this scenario, there’s a clear clash of thoughts. So, the added stress can be a result of choosing to remain celibate when you’re in a relationship.
Now, comparing the good and the bad sides of celibacy, it becomes difficult to state – is celibacy healthy or unhealthy!
The best way to solve this is to bring forward all those studies that you can come up with about celibacy. So, let’s check out whether the evidence supports the bright side or the dark side of celibacy.
Is Celibacy Healthy – Research on Health Effects
Research, based on the US General Society Survey–National Death Index 2008 dataset, studied the effects of lack of sex on happiness among 17,744 adults.
Among these participants, most of the people were in the age group of 18 to 89. Out of all, the percentage reported included:
- 2% males
- 7% females
The following percentage reported sexlessness for over 5 years:
- 7% males
- 5% females
However, in most of the cases, avoiding sex was because of old age and also their single status.
Other factors related to sexlessness were:
- Low income
- Poor health and financial status
- Absence of children
Nevertheless, the results of the study showed there wasn’t a positive response from the participants.
Self-happiness levels were not found to be evident even on large scales and were associated with sexlessness.
This study is not so positive about celibacy being healthy, even mentally. But we still need more studies to ascertain “is celibacy good or bad”.
Evidence also suggests its positive side.
One interesting theory associated with celibacy that might make your ears pop is its connection with a longer life span.
Do Celibates Live Longer?
We found two studies that link celibacy with longevity.
However, we still need more evidence to establish the fact that celibacy could expand one’s lifespan.
Observation I
This study was conducted on the mealworm beetles which have the characteristic feature of mating every day and dying young.
According to the science of living of these beetles, those beetles that mate more die younger.
In the case of beetles, the hormones released to form eggs and sperm for mating are used to degrade their immune system, leading to death.
While this mechanism is not the same among humans, the principle remains the same. According to the research, this same logic can apply to other organisms too.
Hence, the research concluded celibacy can lengthen life span.
Observation II
Another study published in the Journal of Current Biology stated eunuchs live almost 19 years longer than men who were not castrated. – the lifespan of eunuchs
The researchers conceptualized this as – the male hormone, testosterone, can reduce the lifespan of men.
This was also approved by some studies that showed why women tend to outlive men.
Celibacy Can be Healthy Or Unhealthy – The Jury is Still Out!
Celibacy has often been misunderstood as virginity or abstinence.
But the above research brings to light some important definitions of celibacy!
It is essentially a voluntary act of giving up sex, either before being sexually involved or after being sexually involved.
It could either be temporary or permanent depending on the time period you choose to stay sexually inactive.
Unarguably, one important notion about celibacy that has been buzzing around netizens is whether celibacy is healthy or not.
To conclude, that still needs some solid proof for making a certain statement. But till now, experts have found some health benefits as well as side effects of the act.
With this, we would love to take any more of your questions about celibacy down in the comments section.
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