21 Dec Stress Management Guide: Proven Strategies to Relieve Symptoms
Stress can have a number of reasons behind its progression. Though, whether due to pressures from your workplace or personal life, after a time, it’s bound to have a negative impact on your overall health. Stress Management Techniques can help you cope up with it while improving symptoms.
A cosmopolitan world and a modern lifestyle have been some of the best discoveries of humans. However, with it also came the rat race of getting more and achieving big. Nonetheless, this race doesn’t want well for our civilization.
Thus, most people are facing issues of stress. In certain conditions, excessive stress has led to several harmful health risks. Not only does it affect mental health but also has significant effects on your physical well-being.
Early detection of chronic stress can prevent problems in the future.
Today, we’ve come up with an elaborated guide on stress and useful Stress Management Techniques.
What Is Stress?
It’s a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Well, it can arise due to a number of reasons. Particularly, any event or thought triggering anger, frustration, or nervousness can be a cause for stress.
In other words, it is the body’s reaction towards any demanding challenges or circumstances. However, in small bursts, stress can lead to positive effects.
Specifically, in terms of meeting deadlines, stress falls on the positive side.
However, when stress prolongs, it impacts your mental health negatively and even affects your overall well being.
Two Type of Stress
Stress is a normal phenomenon, which humans can feel. Well, we can classify it into two categories:
#1: Acute Stress
It’s short term stress. You encounter minute cases, such as having a fight with a partner or performing adventurous tasks.
Studies suggest acute stress can be helpful in managing risky situations. Usually, one experiences it while performing something new or exciting. Everyone experiences this type of stress occasionally.
#2: Chronic Stress
This type of stress lasts longer compared to the other one. Usually, people having financial issues, workplace trouble, or an unhappy marriage faces it. Any type of stress lasting for weeks or months is counted as chronic stress.
Surprisingly, it becomes so obvious, people don’t even count it as an issue. However, not following stress management techniques in such conditions can lead to health problems.
Prolonged stress may result in mental health issues as well as increased overall health risk. Still, early detection of stress symptoms can help fight the long term challenges.
Stress Symptoms To Seriously Take Note Off
Minor stress is a common occurrence. Though, frequent encounters over a course of time can lead to serious issues. Here, we’ve categorized the symptoms of stress.
Emotional Symptoms of Stress:
- Avoiding others
- Getting easily frantic, angry, and moody
- Finding it hard to relax and silence your cognizance
- Feeling overwhelmed, as if losing control or ability to take control
- Low self-esteem
- Feeling bad about yourself, lonesome, useless, and dejected
Physical Symptoms of Stress:
- Low energy
- Insomnia and Headaches
- Frequent colds and infections
- Pains, aches, and tense muscles
- Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
- Tightened jaw and grinding teeth
- Loss of sexual desire and/or an inability
- Dry mouth and trouble swallowing
- Upset stomach, as well as constipation, diarrhea, and nausea
- Cold or sweaty hands and feet, ringing in the ear, and nervousness and shivering
Cognitive Symptoms of Stress:
- Continual worrying
- Poor decision making
- Constantly racing thoughts
- Inability to focus and concentrate
- Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, and disorganization
- Turning pessimistic or only focusing on the negative side
Behavioral Symptoms of Stress:
- Excessive use of drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes
- Procrastinating and preventing accountabilities
- Alterations in appetite — either overeating or loss of appetite
- Showing more nervous behaviors, such as fidgeting, nail-biting, and pacing
In case you are encountering more of the above-shared stress symptoms, it’s high time to move to Cognitive Stress Management Techniques.
Entertaining these symptoms over a long time period can lead to prevalent health risks!
The Consequences of Long-Term Stress
Several studies and clinical trials have been conducted from time to time to figure out the real impact of stress in the long term. However, most research has mixed conclusions to offer. Here are some studies that offer much clarity.
Study 1
The impact of stress on body function—A review by EXCLI Journal revealed several amazing facts. A little stress can be helpful and have positive effects. On the other hand, severe and prolonged stress affects different body functions and can worsen already existing health issues.
Study 2
“Central effects of stress hormones in health and disease: Understanding the protective and damaging effects of stress and stress mediators” was a study published in 2008.
Minor stress every now and then isn’t that concerning. However, ongoing, prolonged, or chronic stress can be hard to handle. It can not only lead to many serious health risks but also exacerbate them. We’ve listed the primary possible risks right below:
- Menstrual issues
- Obesity and other eating disorders
- Cardiovascular issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, abnormal heartbeat, heart attacks, and stroke
- Mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and personality disorders
- Loss of sexual desire in both men and women
- Hair and skin troubles, including psoriasis, acne, eczema, and permanent hair loss
- Gastrointestinal issues, such as gastritis, GERD, irritable colon, and ulcerative colitis
If you fail to identify early symptoms of stress, there is a high probability of facing these health risks later on. But, there’s good news! Stress Management Techniques List can help you in fighting them off in time.
Stress Management Techniques | The 4 A’s
Put simply, stress is a biological response evoked by any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus. Both happy moments and unhappy events can lead to stress. However, when the stress level is far greater than your ability to cope with it, restoring the balance is a must.
Following the guide can help you know How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety. In fact, the 4 A’s guide helps you expand your list of useful Stress Management Strategies.
A1— Avoid
You believe it or not. You can prevent most stress by just avoiding it.
Still, to make it work, identifying the source of stress is necessary. Reorganize your surroundings and receive maximum benefits.
[vc_accordion style=’accordion’] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#1. Hold Control of Your Surroundings’ icon=” icon_color=”]Too much traffic bothers? You can either leave early for office or take a longer route with lesser traffic.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#2. Avoid People Who Stress You Out’ icon=” icon_color=”]Stress Management Techniques At Workplace suggest avoiding a coworker who stresses you out. In other words, maintain a physical distance from them. Moreover, in meetings or whether walking in the corridor around their cubicle, you can keep a distance from them.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#3. Learn Saying No’ icon=” icon_color=”]There is a difference between being charitable and being foolish. Not saying no a lot of times is the reason behind acute stress leading to prolonged stress. Whether it’s someone asking for a ride home or do their task, with sheer politeness, say no!
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#4. Rearrange Your To-Do List’ icon=” icon_color=”]Tag your daily task A’s, B’s, and C’s, depending on importance. On busy days, eliminate C’s from your list.
Even though Stress Management Techniques In Psychology has a positive impact on diminishing these symptoms, some difficulties can’t be avoided. For such conditions, applying other Types Of Stress Management Techniques can work.
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A2— Alter
When you can’t avoid the situation, you have the hold to change it. Actually, you have to examine the situation of stress and its source. Next, make attempts to alter the situation for your better well being.
[vc_accordion style=’accordion’] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#1. Ask Them to Change Bad Behavior’ icon=” icon_color=”]Does someone’s behavior bother you? Ask them to change it and you’ll be willing to do the same. In fact, small issues when left unaddressed can lead to bigger problems.
If you are fed up with some jokes or you don’t like someone’s behavior toward you, just ask them to stop. Oftentimes, toleration can lead to excessive stress.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#2. Be Open About Your Feelings’ icon=” icon_color=”]Rather than heaping up your frustration, say it out loud, the ‘I’ word is available for that reason only. Whether it is shorter deadlines or someone’s behavior hurting you, it’s time to voice up.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#3. Learn to Manage Time’ icon=” icon_color=”]Do small similar tasks at once to save time. In fact, this improved efficiency would reward you with extra time.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#4. Point out Limitations’ icon=” icon_color=”]Rather than clinging to a peer’s non-stop chatter, respectfully begin your conversations with, “I’ve got only five minutes to cover this.”
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A3— Accept
Sometimes, neither you can avoid a situation nor can you alter it. What you have left in your hand is to accept things as they are. In such situations, skip the Unhealthy Ways to Deal with Stress, and accept the reality.
[vc_accordion style=’accordion’] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#1. Talk to Someone’ icon=” icon_color=”]Altering a frustrating situation isn’t in our hands. Though, it doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t legitimate. Well, either you can call a friend or go on a coffee break with them. Believe us, talking makes things better.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#2. Forgive’ icon=” icon_color=”]Anger is the greatest energy eater. However, forgiveness takes practice, but it frees you from the negative energy stressing you out. So, why get angry, when you can shake it off?
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#3. Practice Positive Self-Talk’ icon=” icon_color=”]One of the main reasons behind stress is a negative thought approach. Experts suggest you to accept the situation and, through positive talks, send your brain positive affirmations. Instead of saying, “I’m bad at money and won’t ever be good with finances,” say, “I committed a mistake, but I’ll make it better.”
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#4. Use Mistakes as Lessons’ icon=” icon_color=”]The mistakes you make might stress you out but they are your teachable moments. Learn from them and use them as your teacher in a similar situation in the future.
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A4— Adapt
Do you think you can’t deal with stressful moments? However, adapting can make the situation turn the other way. When nothing can change, changing your standards or expectations can reduce your stress and help handle it.
[vc_accordion style=’accordion’] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#1. Adjust Your Expectations & Standards’ icon=” icon_color=”]Failing to achieve too much work or too much perfection leaves you under guilt and frustration. Don’t drain out your energy, just adjust the standard as per your capability and slowly upgrade it.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#2. Rehearse Thought-Reversal’ icon=” icon_color=”]Whenever gloomy or depressing thoughts encounter you, immediately stop yourself from dwelling on them. Refrain from rethinking stressful moments.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#3. Reframe the Problem’ icon=” icon_color=”]Look at the circumstances from a different point of view. Rather than stressing about a situation, view it from a different angle to calm your feelings.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#4. Implement a Mantra’ icon=” icon_color=”]For instance, say something like, “I can handle this,” when you are trapped in a tough situation.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#5. Make an Assets Column’ icon=” icon_color=”]What are the things that make you happy? Children, pets, or vacation? Jot them down under your asset column. It will remind you of the joy you have in your life.
[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=’#6. Look at the Big Picture’ icon=” icon_color=”]“Will this matter in a year or in five years?” ask this question, whenever you are stressed out with a situation. If the answer is no, don’t waste even 5 minutes stressing about it.
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Other Helpful Stress-Relief Strategies
Apart from the 4A’s guide to diminishing stress, other activities can have positive impacts as well. In fact, these come under the most common 10 Ways To Cope With Stress. Even experts recommend adhering to these.
Short-Term Stress Management Activities
- Meditate
- Go for Walks
- Focus on Breathing
- Try Guided Imagery
- Exercise Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Fast-Acting Stress Management Activities at Home
- Create Artwork
- Delight in Aromatherapy
- Get a Hug From a Loved One
Long-Term Stress Management Activities for Lasting Health
- Perform Yoga
- Arrange Daily Exercise Activities
- Show Gratitude
- Have a Balanced Diet
- Create Time for Leisure Activities
- Create a Positive Self-Talk Habit
Choosing the Right Stress Management Technique
Studies have shown the positive impact of the above-mentioned strategies in managing stress. Nonetheless, choosing the right technique can take up time and may stress you out even further.
According to experts, employing such strategies as much as possible can help you fight such issues. You can pick them out as per the level of your stress or situation.
After all is said and done, with good and bad experiences, stress is part of our lives, and we can’t directly refrain from it. Still, having the right techniques under your belt can help manage the situation in a more productive way.
In the case of excessive stress, we recommend consulting with a specialist or therapist.
Hopefully, you have found something constructive from today’s blog in ending the recurring cycles of stress that’s all too common nowadays.
- Stress Symptoms: WebMD Medical Reference
- Need stress relief? Try the 4 A’s
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