30 Jul Tips for Healthy Prostate [Lower Your Risk of Prostate Cancer]
Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths among men.
However, the fact that it sometimes carries no symptoms at all makes the prospect scarier.
That’s why making conscious efforts to prevent the risk of prostate cancer should be every man’s pursuit, at least from middle age, when the danger may begin to make itself known.
While opting for prostate cancer treatment is the only option for men already inflicted with the disease, you still have time to take matters into your own hands. All you need to have is a profound knowledge of how to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
So, we are here with this blog to help you find out how to prevent prostate cancer naturally.
And food, first and foremost, happens to be one of the easiest ways you can use in lowering the risk of prostate cancer.
Foods to Prevent Prostate Cancer [Diet Tips]
If you want to go with the natural remedies of preventing prostate cancer, you must know about the diet that can help you through.
Mentioned below are some of the foods that you should eat as they are extremely helpful in upping prostate health right away.
#1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes, in all forms, are very rich in a compound named Lycopene.
Some researchers suggest that having lycopene in your body can effectively reduce the effects of prostate cancer.
In fact, studies have also found that the proper consumption of tomatoes has shown a reduced effect of prostate cancer among people.
#2. Coffee
As long as we discuss the foods to prevent prostate health, coffee can be a great addition to the list!
According to research done on several people, it was concluded that coffee contains antioxidants that have the capability to reduce fatal prostate cancer risk.
Apart from that, coffee has a lot of different health benefits too.
#3. Soybean Products
Many of the surveys that had been done among the prostate cancer survivors suggested that soy products really act as an effective prostate cancer treatment.
Soy products including tofu and soy milk contain a compound called isoflavones that has some anti-inflammatory properties.
These products with isoflavones can potentially decrease the growth of cancerous cells inside the body.
#4. Fish
According to a study, fish enriched with more fatty acid might help you in preventing prostate cancer.
Those who chose to include fish in their diet were less likely to develop the signs of prostate cancer than those who didn’t.
Also, there has been some accumulating evidence that fatty acids present in fish protect you from prostate cancer.
#5. Broccoli
The complex compounds found in broccoli can help in avoiding the risk of prostate cancer.
Researchers have revealed that the phytochemicals present in some vegetables – like sulforaphane present in broccoli sprouts effectively kill the cancer cells. (role of Sulforaphane in cancer chemoprevention).
Other cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage can have the same effect.
#6. Pomegranate
Few studies have suggested that pomegranate juice can be really helpful in slowing down the progression of prostate cancer cells.
However, while you’re adding these foods to your list, also consider slashing off some items from your current diet chart.
Here are the foods you should probably avoid to avoid prostate cancer.
Foods to Avoid for Prostate Health
Avoid eating these foods on a daily or regular basis if you want to protect your prostate.
#1. Dairy Products
Normal consumption of dairy foods can be good for your overall health. Since they are rich in calcium, they can help in making your bones stronger.
However, some studies have suggested that over-consumption of calcium can increase the risk of advanced prostate cancer in your body.
So, you must avoid eating calcium foods with more than 700 mg a day.
#2. Fat
You might be aware of the fact that a healthy amount of fat is always necessary for the proper functioning of your body.
Although, fat consumption that’s more than required can cause you to put on extra weight, which might increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer.
Some of the studies have also revealed that eating a lot of saturated fat is not good for prostate health.
#3. Meat
It’s a well-known fact that meat cooked at a very high temperature like the ones barbequed, grilled, or fried might worsen prostate cancer.
A survey done on several people diagnosed with prostate cancer has revealed that people who had their diet with meat tend to suffer more than those who had veggies and fruits in their diets.
In order to prevent cancer cell growth, you are advised at least not to eat meats cooked at higher temperatures.
#4. Alcohol
Well, after all, alcohol is also bad for prostate health.
Drinking alcohol can stimulate the production of urine in your body.
Research done on several men concluded that men who were heavy drinkers were more likely to get diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Thus, you can switch to wines or non-alcoholic beers in order to take care of your prostate health.
#5. Sodium
Cutting down salt intake would prove to be very much beneficial for you. A higher intake of salt might increase your urinary tract symptoms.
Start reducing the consumption of salt by keeping track of labels. Along with that, you must also limit the usage of canned or processed foods that are heavy on sodium.
Moreover, staying away from frozen foods will also let you boost your prostate health.
So, now you know how to avoid prostate enlargement and fatal cancer through your diet.
Combining these foods with exercises can be extra beneficial!
Exercises to Prevent Prostate Cancer
There are different types of exercises as well as workout programs that might help you in reducing the danger of prostate cancer.
Several studies already suggest men who exercise on a daily basis are less likely to get diagnosed with prostate cancer.
In fact, exercising even a few times each week can significantly lower the chances of developing aggressive prostate cancer.
Additionally, obesity prevention might also play a huge role here.
So, if you’re genuinely concerned about combating prostate cancer, then mentioned below are the exercises that you must opt for.
#1. Kegel Exercise
This is essentially useful to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which will aid in improving urination and sexual health issues.
And strengthening the muscles in your pelvic region can go a long way in ensuring better prostate health.
As a matter of fact, performing the kegel exercise is also considered to be one of the best ways to help you deal with the after-effects of prostate cancer therapy.
When you go through prostate cancer therapy, you are more likely to face the weakening of the muscles that control urine flow.
Hence, the weakening of that particular muscle might result in incontinence, where you leak or pass urine even when you don’t want to. However, kegel exercise will assist in combating these major side effects and let you have more control over your urine flow.
Here’s more information on the functioning of pelvic floor muscles and how they are related to kegel exercise.
What are Pelvic Floor Muscles?
Well, the pelvic floor is a group of muscles in the base of your pelvis that also helps you in controlling urination.
The strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles holds the utmost concern because the weakening of these muscles might cause sexual and incontinence issues in men.
Luckily, Kegel exercises are one the most natural and cost-effective ways to control incontinence without having to rely on any medication or surgery.
How to Do Kegel Exercise?
Once you have identified your pelvic floor muscles, it becomes easier for you to Kegel exercise as they are to be performed through some simple steps.
- The very first thing you need to do is try holding and contracting your pelvic muscles for a few seconds. Make sure not to extend the period of holding the muscles for more than 6 seconds.
- Relax and release the contraction of the muscles.
That’s it!
You must perform 10-12 Kegel exercises at least four to five times a day.
And if we talk of the effectiveness of the Kegel Exercise, it might take 6 weeks or longer than that to show results. Be patient.
#2. Aerobic Exercises
Main types of aerobic exercises like swimming, bicycling, and dancing can surprisingly help you in preventing prostate cancer.
The idea is to be active and burn off extra calories so they don’t get stored up as fat.
Along with burning calories, aerobic exercises can significantly increase the production of antioxidants in the most natural way.
Not to mention, it is also effective in eliminating the cancer-causing molecules from the body.
In order to stay away from all the risks attached to having prostate cancer, you must make it a habit of exercising for at least two hours a day.
#3. Strength Training
Strength training, also known as resistance training, can help you build body mass and muscles.
Plus, you’ll feel good and, as a result, will be more in tune with your eating habits. Weight training is one of the best ways to maintain integral elements of physical health.
So, up until now, you are well aware of the crucial role prostate cancer diet and exercise can have.
Now, we will look upon some of the lifestyle changes to ward off prostate cancer.
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Prostate Cancer [Tips for Healthy Prostate]
This is a list of some healthy and major changes that can keep you away from the effects of prostate cancer.
#1. Maintain a Diet Plan
As we have already mentioned, diet plays an essential role in keeping you away from prostate cancer.
Some studies suggest that a specific eating habit can actually be helpful in lowering the risk of cancerous growth inside the body.
So, keep your meal plan in check.
#2. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Obesity is the leading cause of several types of diseases in both sexes.
In fact, obesity can easily increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer growth inside your body. And who knows what other diseases it might bring along.
Hence, if you are already obese, keeping your weight in check can dramatically reduce the risk of cancer.
#3. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Abuse
If you eliminate smoking from your lifestyle, you are more likely to eradicate numerous health issues including the risk of cancer.
Although, in the case of alcohol, you must consume it in moderation as some studies suggest that red wine is useful in lowering the risk of prostate cancer.
You may consume red wine from somewhere between four to five-ounce glasses per week. However, moderation is the key.
#4. Have Proper Sleep
If you are sleeping for a good amount of time, you are already reducing the probability of prostate cancer.
Sleeping less than 5-6 hours could deteriorate your immune system which eventually makes your body weak.
Thus, your body becomes incapable of fighting off internal disorders.
#5. Take Supplements
If you don’t find any of the diets or exercises effective enough, then you can switch to supplements.
A lot of men take the help of supplements to naturally boost their prostate health.
Saw Palmetto is one of the most common supplements used to encourage better prostate health.
However, it’s best to consult your doctor beforehand about the proper use of these supplements and if you even need them.
#6. Reduce Stress
It’s crucial to get a handle on your stress levels.
Maintaining a social circle instead of isolating yourself can really help in fighting off health issues.
So, opt for these lifestyle tips for healthy prostate to lower the risk of and prevent prostate cancer.
However, some other techniques that may work for you also include deep breathing, yoga, and mediation.
Right below are some of the most common questions people have been asking lately.
#1. What is the main cause of prostate cancer?
Like any other cancer, the accurate cause of prostate cancer can not be determined easily.
While the reason is likely to be hormonal, some factors like genes, environmental exposure, certain types of diets, or maybe some chemicals or radiation can contribute to causing prostate cancer cells.
#2. Is drinking a lot of water good for your prostate?
Yes, staying hydrated by drinking a lot of water can help with practically any health concerns.
So, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day.
#3. Is Chicken bad for your prostate?
According to studies, there’s no definite link between prostate cancer and eating meat.
However, some studies have shown that meat cooked at a higher temperature can worsen the effect of prostate cancer.
#4. Is red wine good for the prostate?
Yes, red wine has a positive effect on your prostate health as per the new studies.
In fact, red wine drinkers tend to have a 50% lower risk of prostate cancer than those who don’t drink.
#5. What drinks are bad for your prostate?
There are certain drinks that you must avoid to prevent prostate cancer.
These drinks include green tea, soft drinks, black tea, and sodas as they can dehydrate you and increase urination.
If you have any more queries or questions regarding prostate cancer, then do not shy away from consulting your physician or specialist.
Bottom Line
Maintaining a healthy prostate is evidently easier than you think. Take early measures now to ward off the future risks of severe illness and discomfort.
After all, prevention is better than cure.
No matter how busy you are, make time for healthy eating, regular exercise, and mindful practices to lower stress levels.
Needless to say, follow the above-mentioned tips on how to avoid prostate cancer and prevent all the physical and emotional damage it can bring along.
However, if you have been experiencing any symptoms of prostate cancer, schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider immediately. Early detection can really assist in cutting down the severity.
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